I go dumber than your average special ed kid! profile picture

I go dumber than your average special ed kid!

About Me

WaTs guD wHoevEr ReaDin diS .. DiS wuD bE cHeLL sPeaKin On mY paTTybOO ... mOsTLy knOwn aS paTricK waShinGTon!! hE sTayS pLayin sPorTs FooTbaLL esPeciaLLy .. wE goTa suPaSTaR On ouR hanDs yOu beTa waTcH ouT! .. He's vEry ouTgOinG nD onE oF a kinD whicH iS wHy I maDe hiM minE! Ha! he's vEry gOoFy nD aLwAys maKes mE LaFF TheRe ainT nEva a duLL minuTe wEn yOu puT uS TwO TogeTheR ... hE LovEs chiLen wiT hiS bOyS .. GoTa ThanK hiS wOnDerFuL moTheR For brinGin hiM inTo diS LiFe!! HE maKes Da gaYesT joKes evEr buT yOu goTa LovE hiM! hE iS a vEry guD peRsOn aT hearT nD wuD nEva bE unLoyaL hE haS aLoTa poTenTiaL nD cuD aCheivE waTeveR hE wanTs ... noT onLy doEs hE havE a guD pErsOnaLiTy buT he's smarT! WEn hE ainT bEin siLLy nD finaLy geTs seriOuS hE sTayS FocusEd on dEm guD graDes shooTT goTa kEEp dEm graDes uP For dEm coLLeGes uh duHHH! ... puT diS aLL TogeThEr nD I goT mE a onE oF a kinD gUy riTe hEre nD I'm vEry haPPy daT I goT hiM TheRe For mE .. wE aLL abouT eacHoDa buT knO hOw To kEEp ouR LivEs Da saMe wiTouT shuTinG ouT ouR FrenDs nD daTs imPorTanT sO nOw daT yOu knO a LiL bouT mY bOO iMa enD iT wiTa " aLL yOu beEziEs knO Da busineZ nOw sO bacK uP!" HaHa gOnE ...

My Interests

my bOys...maTTmY cuZ jOhnDaunTe ChrisdaMondiJoNDaReKDa GirLs..My Chelly BooLaYLa CheLL nD niCoLeMy Big sister and lil Bro


misTah FabMaC dReKeaK da sNeaKe-40

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I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


mY mOmS