Anything thats long as it doesn't lead to grief...just ask me ppl.. one passsion i have is cooking, weird but i miss it
I'd love to meet Alessandra Ambrosio but com'on who wouldn't lol...Please don't friend me just to add to your on going challenge of who can have the most names...friend me if you wanna talk , leave the games for the some other jack asses. Love my animal cracker baby :-)
I'll listen to anything pretty much, as long as it's got a good beat
Love comedy like the movie HITCH which in my mind is on it's way to becomming a classic but also love Meet Joe Black....I like different types of movies throw one out at me and i'll tell you what i think...
Biggggg Nip Tuck Fan so know not to disturb on tues nights lol...Also love Yes Dear...I try not to watch to much tv but sometimes i just get lazy....
Like John Grisham books but if you really know me you know what else i love to read