Vegas.Driving. DVR. Loud Music when alone in the car. Quiet when alone in the house. Poker (or basically any form of gambling be it legal or illegal). CNN. Screaming at Fox News. Meeting new people. Honey BBQ snackers from KFC. Chipotle Wrap at McDonalds. Laughing. Making fun of people. Making fun of myself. Not obeying speed limits. Water. Politics. Talking on my cell while driving. Not talking on any form of phone while at home. AIM. Beer. Going out to movies. Staying in for movies. Arguing with people about politics....oh hell, arguing with people about anything. Travel. Doing 'stuff' around the house. GPS systems eventhough I don't have one. Spending money. Saving money. Making money. Helping people make more money (which in turn makes me more money). People-watching. Going for drinks with friends. People that leave voicemails. Going to various outtings.
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I listen to pretty much everything. There are ofcourse some exceptions such as twangy country and some of that crazy emo. Some of the bigger groups that I enjoy: Blink 182 (may they rest in peace forever). Green Day. The Killers. My Chemical Romance. 311. Fallout Boy. Jack Johnson. Dave Matthews. Franz Ferdinand. Are you noticing a trend?
I go to the movies (or rent movies) all the damn time. I watch everything from cartoons to foreign flicks. I'm a fan of the Harry Potter series, LOTR, and the movies based on real situations (ie Hotel Rwanda, Black Hawk Down, and Napolean Dynamite that was a true story, right?). Ofcourse, comedies are a favorite too: Office Space, Wedding Crashers, The WHOLE American Pie series, etc. I can watch (and enjoy) any movie as long as it's watched with the right people. I don't think that I've ever seen a really bad movie.....
24. West Wing(no longer on). CNN. ER. E-Ring (got the ax). Commander-in-Chief (got the ax). Amazing Race. Grey's Anatomy. CNN. Nip/Tuck. ummm, I really dunno, I'm not going downstairs to look at all my Tivo'd shows...We never watch anything when it's on, we are Tvio fanatics!HAHAHAHAHAHA, A COP THAT STOLE MARIJUANA THOUGHT HE OD'D ON POT BROWNIES! HILARIOUS!
Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Also the new Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump collaberation 'Why We Want You to Be Rich'....Should be required reading.DaVinci Code. Lexus and the Olive Tree. ummmm, FORBES, Mens Health Magazine? DETAILS magazine?
(stolen from sarah)