Xekinisa na synthetw sovara apo tin ilikia twn 13-14. Simera eimai 17 kai pistevw oti synexizw poly kala kai exw exelixtei poly.To agapimeno mou eidos einai i klassiki mousiki alla teleftaia synergazomai kai me to hip hop sygrotima "Snake Brothers" kai etsi kai grafw beat kommatia.Syxna tha ananewnw to myspace me kainouria kommatia dioti ta 6 pou mou dinei ws dynatotita den ftanoun.Tha ithela na akousw ta sxolia sas opws kai na dw ta ratings sas.Efxaristw gia to xrono sas opws kai tin episcepsi sas kai sas efxomai kali akroasi.----------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------I start composing at the age of 13-14. Today I am 17 years old and I believe that I'm going very well.My favourite genre of composing music is classic music but lately I'm working with a hip hop group named "Snake Brothers" so I'm composing beat music also now.I'm going to update this profile soon enough so I can put a lot of my songs in here.I would like to hear your opinions about my songs and your rate.Thanks for your time and I hope you enjoy it!
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