Dark Gentleman profile picture

Dark Gentleman

About Me

!!! Start Code To Apply Top Banner !!!! Custom top banner code by Eileen!!! End Code To Apply Top Banner !!!Dark Gentleman (Andrija Jonic),born in Belgrade (Serbia) in 1983.In High school he was interested in music production and made his first song when he was 17.Obssesion with music was so strong and he start to work as amateur DJ.He plays a powerfull Club music : House,Electro House,Disco House and even Disco 80's because that music had a big influence on him (Personaly,likes so called "Pre-Disco" or Disco 70's and Disco 80's ,because he thinks that is a last "real" music).At the end of the High school,on the "Last School Day Party",he meet's Radomir Milic (DJ Rasha) and they work that party together.From that day they work together in many Belgrade clubs and many other clubs in Serbia.Dark Gentleman started again with music production and now he prepares his first single...

My Interests


Member Since: 29/05/2008
Band Website: Under Construction...
Band Members: Andrija Jonic (Dark Gentleman)
Influences: Everyone who work hard to bring us new quality sound....
Sounds Like: Recomanded:
Record Label: Indie

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