mAyA profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

dEscriptiOn: Loyal and generous-Impatient and hasty-Ambitious-Easy to talk to, though hard to understand-Thinks far with vision, yet complicated to know-Easily influenced by kindness-Polite and soft-spoken-Having lots of ideas-Sensitive-Hesitating tends to delay-Choosy and always wants the best-Easily hurt-Prone to getting colds-Loves music-Loves to dress up-Easily bored-Takes time to recover when hurt: fAvOritEs: pApemeLroti bLUe mAgiC gOnutsDoNuts, ChowkiNg, kFc, pizzA hUt 8 (wHat's wiTh tHe # 8?) DigitaL cAmEra, foNes,paLm piLot, ipOd tObLerOne, sNickErs sCrapbOok skirt, jEans, tAnk tOp, fLip fLops maLLs, piEr1, gReenbElt, EastwOod swimmiNg, pArty bOb oNg, stEpHen kiNg, micHaeL cricHtoN, pAuLo cOeLho grEen, bLue, pUrpLe bUtterfLy bEn affLeck, kEanNu rEEves, orLandO bLoom, dAnieL rAdcLiffE sAndrA buLLock, kAtiE hoLmEs, LyNdsAy LoHan aNNe cUrtis, aNgeL LocsiN AvriL LavignE

My Interests

DamO at KaPe, maS mAgaNdang Pag MasDan Ang uLap kESa sA bitUin, hMm..i aDoRe cOnfRontAtiOn, I LovE LifE ThoUgh SuMtyMs iT mKes Me Cry My HeaRt oUt, I LuV PpoL; i LuV AnyTHing ThAt May ComE tO fAsciNatE Me, wHetHer it MaY Be A piEcE oF aRt, A sOng Or a PerSon. I CaN Luv AnyThing, As LonG as iTs ReaL, dOnt WanT tO mEss PeOpLe's LyF (thEy ArE thE oNe wHo ToLd mE tO Do sO)

I'd like to meet:

i gUess i aLreAdy fOund him.. c:yOu cAn fiNd mE tHrOugH tHis wEbnsitE:;;; E-aDd: [email protected] gOd bLess!


RNB, Alternative, Pop, ROCK..PRAISE & WORSHIP name it dude, I will sing it for you if you want...


griDirOn gAng (oNe gOaL, a sEcOnd cHancE), mAtEriaL girLs (tHey Lost a fOrtUne bUt gEt a LifE), jUst my Luck (evErytHing cHangEd iN tHe wiNk of aN eyE), tHe priNce & mE (tHe fAiry taLe is abOut tO gEt reaL), a ciNdereLLa stOry (oNce upOn a timE.. cAn haPpEn aNytimE), Speed, Sound Of Music, The Day after tomorrow, I-robot, wHAT A gIRL wANTS, First Daughter, The Notebook, cast a way, IF ONLY, SeReNdIpItY(..can once in a lifetime happen twice?), FrEakY fRiDay, ChAsiNg LiBeRtY.. (isn't that obvious that I'm a movie lover) ;)


Dawson's Creek, Charmed, MTV, MYX, Dark Angel, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, basketball (NBA, PBA, PBL, UAAP) bOsToN public, south Park, Living Asia, Survivor, amazing race, america's nExt tOp model..MTV Cribs, Blind Date, 5th wheel. grEys aNatOmy


ABNKKBSNPLAko, Bakit BaLiktAd MgBasA nG Libro Ang MgA piLiPino, Ang PabOritonG LibRo Ni HudAS, StaiNLess LonGgAniSa (aLL by bOb oNg), Boy MeeTs giRL BY: mEg cAbOt, ConFessioNs Of RefOrmED DiEtEr, GraPhOLogY, tUesdays witH morriE, the Echoes. BibLe(King JamEs VersiOn), bEtwEeN diNnEr & d mOrniNg aftEr, ovErcOmiNg ovErspEndiNg, LittLe bLack bOok by: bLainE barteL


My MoM..

My Blog


sUccEss - Mar. 19, 2007 at 12:37 AM ..> it is nOt tHe critiC wHo cOuNts, nOt tHe mAn wHo pOints Out hOw tHe strOng maN stUmbLed, or wHerE tHe dOer of dEeds cOuLd hAve dOne bEttEr. tHe crEdit beLo...
Posted by mAyA on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:36:00 PST

tHe rEaL mE..

tHe rEaL mE - Mar. 19, 2007 at 12:38 AM ..> Although the name Maybelle creates the urge to understand others, they point out that it causes me to be emotional and temperamental. This name, when co...
Posted by mAyA on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:28:00 PST


gReatEst fEar - Mar. 19, 2007 at 12:39 AM ..> oUr hEarts gO oUt tO EacH aNd evEry famiLy thAt sUch aN iNcidEnt oCCurs tO. this is a Lyf exPeriEncE thAts truLy diffiCuLt tO sHare.. (dEatH) ..>...
Posted by mAyA on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:26:00 PST


mAyA - Mar. 19, 2007 at 12:40 AM ..> I HaVe MaNy LaYerS To Me. ItS HaRd To AcTuaLLy DefinE mE, weLL, i THinK ThaT's mY biggEst QuiRk... I loVe LifE thOugh sOmeTimES it MakEs Me Cry My HeaRT Out. I...
Posted by mAyA on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:23:00 PST