Music Video Codes by ..
Your Element is Fire
Your power color: red
Your energy: hot
Your season: spring
Like a fire, you are full of power and light.
A born leader, you easily draw people toward you.
You are full of courage and usually up for anything dangerous.
You have a huge ego and love to be the center of attention.
What Element Are You?
Myspace Contact Tables
Stanislav Ianevski because he is amazingly hot and bulgarian and what bulgarian isnt a hottie
I have a serious addiction to Coheed and Cambria and Dragonforce...Yes, Dragonforce.
You Are a Tulip
You have a wild, experimental side that craves change.
You often switch jobs and men, always looking for something better.
But deep down, you're also very well grounded and content.
And you will come to know that the life you live is already ideal.
What Flower Are You?
The dorkiest movies embarassing to name them all...all time favorites have to be: The Breakfast Club, Under the Tuscan Sun, and The Sword in the Stone -- thats right, the Disney version
You Are Ariel!
Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
The Food Network and the original Power Rangers because, let's be honest, who can resist Tommy?
Your Scent is Lemon
Vivacious, tangy, and lively
You are one gigantic ball of energy!
What Scent Are You?
Abarat books
Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is
New Years, at the crack of midnight, under a windstorm of confetti.
What's Your Ideal Marriage Proposal?
My Dad because he taught me how to fish and to not let anything get to me, Alton Brown, and James Gandolfini
You are Milk Chocolate
A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds.
You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life.
Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago.
What Kind of Chocolate Are You?