Cool Flash Generators at BLINGCHEESE.COMSometimes I feel like I was born late, I would have loved to meet Dali, Ananis Nin, Henry Miller, Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Gibran, Aurthur Rimbaud, Warhol,Joey Ramone, Woody Allen, Nic Roeg, Abbey Hoffman, Chuck Berry, Les Paul,Keith Richard, too many to list, I really love the people I meet day to day many who are incredible forward thinkers, peace-makers or thought provokers.
People who move and inspire us with simple beauty and powerful feelings imbued with wisdom to help the people see something that can change and inspire the magic to move you, who do not waste time, who expand fearlessly. I'm open to anyone who captivates my imagination or has a good heart, interesting theories and beliefs, I have always been fascinated from learning from all types of people, you never know who your next guide or teacher could be, from the homeless guy to a good friend like Stu "the Kid" Unger of Vegas, now deceased, The Kid, Stu Ungar, was the greatest poker player of his time( I never realized the magnitude of his greatness until I learned of his death in a time magazine at the dentists office.) or my friend Edgar, who died at 30 and let me spend his final earthly days with him,developing in me a realization of a soul with boundless potential, I miss Edgar my sweet Edgar. I'm privileged to say Stu "the Kid" was a friend, his mathematical genius is beyond comprehension, as well as Edgar Cardona whose heart filled my planet's sphere with all encompassing love. this is my small memorium to those friends I love who have died.