I love to snowboard, waterski, build and fix stuff, building and painting modle aircraft, i love driving my new 2005 tacoma, since i dont get to very often cause my wife cant drive stick witch our other truck is but i dont mind. i love learning about the past, i watch the military channel constantly. space fasinates me.
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i like pretty much anything, punk, hardrock, softrock, plain old rock, classic rock, some metal, pop, im comming around to country a little, (that "letters from home" song gets tears out of me everytime) i like some rap and r+b but not alot of it. some of my favorite bands are Blink 182, boston, the eagles, pink floyd, trapt, 311, new found glory, green day, fallout boy, linkin park, mest, the offspring, pennywise, unwritten law, zebrahead, tom petty and the heart breakers. my all time fav would have to be blink 182
i love sci-fi... star wars (episode 3 rocks!!), star trek, starship troopers, the fifth eliment are some of my favs. i love war films also.. saving ryans privates, enemy at the gates, red dawn, we were soldiers, and all those old john wayne ones rock too. but i'm like a kid in a candy store with all the comic movies coming out now, x-men, spiderman, batman begins, hell boy, i coulden't ask for more, i like drama and horror also, (paris hilton got it good in house of wax stupid ho). Blow is a sweet movie, vanilla sky, momento, sixth sence, those movies all fucked me up at the end???? i love that. my favorite funny movies are napolian dynamite, ancorman, old school, val wilder, road trip, euro trip.
i love all the FX shows, over there, nip tuck, rescue me. i watch the military channel way too much, i love watching all that WW2 stuff. the family guy is sweet, i watch it when i catch it. seinfeld, freinds and wings are my favorite sid coms, i like whos line is it anyway, the green screen is ok, but compared to whos line it sucks.
books suck, watch movies
Your Daddy Is OJ
What You Call Him: Big Daddy
Why You Love Him: He takes you to church
Who's Your Daddy?
Your Pimp Name Is...
Ribbed Dynamite
What's Your Pimp Name?
my brothers mike and ryan, cause they kick ass and save lives, my dad casue he works hard for us all of his life, my mom because she loves us more than anything, and my wife veronika because she puts up with me.