No se que decir en cuanto a mi, pero puedo contarles que vivo en la zona Oeste del Gran Buenos Aires, tengo dos hijitos hermosos, Sofia Y Ulises,quienes son la luz de mi vida. Amo la musica y el arte, es lo que me oxigena el alma, es la magia de mi existir. Si bien me gusta la musica en general,por mi sangre corre el metal,genero que me deslumbra por su riqueza , como asi tambien la musica clasica, genero que realmente admiro. Amo las cosas sencillas de la vida, leer, escribir, caminar, los amigos, ver buenas peliculas, ver buen arte, el que sea! Son una estudiante cronica,estudie derecho, religiones comparadas,intento estudiar canto y guitarra, proximamente voy por mas,Produccion musical Y EJECUTIVA DE BANDAS, una verdera vocacion pasion y entrega por la musica me mueve a llevar adelante proyectos de indole artistica.Curse 5 años de Derecho en la Universidad de Moron, lo cual me da una vision mas amplia en el aspecto legal de la produccion ejecutiva de bandas. Hace 15 años Trabajo como Secretaria de un Juzgado , lo cual me dio un amplio manejo con la gente y las relaciones publicas. Mas alla de esta experiencia de vida he estudiado por mas de 15 años las Ciencias Esotericas, chamanismo , fisica cuantica y todo lo concerniente al manejo de energias, y lo sigo haciendo como una pasion por descubrir quien soy a traves de los otros y el conocimiento .La magia en su mas alta expresion me motiva y me moviliza,llevandome diariamente a experimentar el maravilloso regalo de la vida . SOY LO QUE PIENSO Y VIVO DE ACUERDO A ELLO solo me guia mi corazon en esta epica y heroica hazaña.El ser humano , el universo y sus cualidades me conmueven profundamente. Admiro las almas virtuosas pues dejan ver a traves de sus talento el brillo de Dios en su ser. Es todo .. hay mas pero imposible de escribir en pocas palabras!SANGRE METALERA MIRANDO A LAS ESTRELLAS.
Mi mensaje: ( POr Facundo Cabral)..Hay tantas cosas para gozar y nuestro paso por la Tierra es tan corto, que sufrir es una pérdida de tiempo.
Además, el Universo siempre está dispuesto a complacernos, por eso estamos rodeados de buenas noticias.
Cada mañana es una buena noticia. Cada niño que nace es una buena noticia, cada cantor es una buena noticia, porque cada cantor es un soldado menos, por eso hay que cuidarse del que no canta porque algo esconde?.
Aprendà que nunca es tarde, que siempre se puede empezar de nuevo, ahora mismo, le puedes decir basta a la mujer (o al hombre) que ya no amas, al trabajo que odias, a las cosas que te encadenan a la tarjeta de crédito, a los noticieros que te envenenan desde la mañana, a los que quieren dirigir tu vida; ahora mismo le puedes decir 'basta' al miedo que heredaste, porque la vida es aquà y ahora mismo.
Que nada te distraiga de ti mismo, debes estar atento porque todavÃa no gozaste, la más grande alegrÃa, ni sufriste el más grande dolor.
VacÃa la copa cada noche, para que Dios te la llene de agua nueva en el nuevo dÃa.
Vive de instante en instante porque eso es la vida.Me costó 57 años llegar hasta aquÃ, ¿cómo no gozar y respetar este momento?
Se gana y se pierde, se sube y se baja, se nace y se muere.
Y si la historia es tan simple, ¿por qué te preocupas tanto?
No te sientas aparte y olvidado, todos somos la sal de la Tierra.En la tranquilidad hay salud, como plenitud dentro de uno.
Perdónate, acéptate, reconócete y ámate, recuerda que tienes que vivir contigo mismo por la eternidad, borra el pasado para no repetirlo, para no abandonar como tu padre, para no desanimarte como tu madre, para no tratarte como te trataron ellos, pero no los culpes porque nadie puede enseñar lo que no sabe, perdónalos y te liberarás de esas cadenas.
Si estás atento al presente, el pasado no te distraerá, entonces serás siempre nuevo.
Tienes el poder para ser libre en este mismo momento, el poder está siempre en el presente, porque toda la vida está en cada instante, pero no digas 'no puedo' ni en broma porque el inconsciente no tiene sentido de humor, lo tomará en serio y te lo recordará cada vez que lo intentes.
Si quieres recuperar la salud abandona la crÃtica, el resentimiento y la culpa, responsables de nuestras enfermedades.
Perdona a todos y perdónate,no hay liberación más grande que el perdón, no hay nada como vivir sin enemigos.
Nada peor para la cabeza y por lo tanto para el cuerpo, que el miedo, la culpa, el resentimiento y la crÃtica que te hace juez (agotadora y vana tarea) y cómplice de lo que te disgusta.
Culpar a los demás es no aceptar la responsabilidad de nuestra vida, es distraerse de ella.
El bien y el mal viven dentro de ti, alimenta más al bien para que sea el vencedor cada vez que tengan que enfrentarse.
Lo que llamamos problemas son lecciones, por eso nada de lo que nos sucede es en vano.
No te quejes, recuerda que naciste desnudo, entonces ese pantalón y esa camisa que llevas ya son ganancia.
Cuida el presente, porque en él vivirás el resto de tu vida.
Libérate de la ansiedad, piensa que lo que debe ser, será, y sucederá naturalmente.Con todo el amor de mi corazon a quienes puedan y quieran despertar!
contacto:EN MSN:
[email protected]
Not that to say as far as my, but I can tell that alive in the West Zone of Great Buenos Aires, have two beautiful little boys, Sofia and Ulises, that are the light of my life.
I have much love by music and the art, is what it oxygenates the soul to me, is the magic of my to exist. Although I like music generally, by in my blood the metal runs, this I generate it dazzles that me by his wealth, as thus also I have a very great love towards classic music, this generate that really I admire, furthermore I have a special admiration by the fusion of musical sorts and the experimental thing.
I have love by the simple things of the life like, to read, to write, to walk, the friendly, to see good films, to see good art, the one that is! They are a chronic student, I have studied compared law in the University of Moron, religions, attempt to study song and guitar, of girl I have studied piano, classic dances and Spanish dances, soon will initiate my studies related to, musical Production AND EXECUTIVE OF MUSIC BANDS, I have a true vocation, passion and gives by music moves to take projects to me of artistic kind ahead.
My university studies have offered me, an ample vision but in the legal aspect of the executive production of bands. For 15 years Work like Secretary of a Court, which gave an ample handling me with reference to the public relations and legal aspects.
Beyond this experience of life I have studied by but of 15 years Esoteric Sciences, chamanismo, quantum Physics and all concerning the handling of energies, and itself making like a passion discover that I am through the other and the knowledge. The magic in his but high expression motivates to me and it mobilizes to me, causing that daily the wonderful gift of the life experiences
I AM WHAT ALIVE FODDER AND ACCORDING TO IT only me guide my heart in this epic and heroic feat. The human being, the universe and its qualities affect to me deeply. I admire the virtuous souls because they let see through its talent the brightness of God in its being. He is everything. it has but impossible to write briefly! music runs by my veins, alive WATCHING STARS
My message: (By Facundo Cabral)
There are so many things to enjoy and our passage by the Earth is so short, that to suffer it is a loss of time.
In addition, the Universe always is arranged to please to us, for that reason we are surrounded by the good news. Every morning is the good news. Each boy who is born is the good news, each singer is the good news, because each singer is a soldier less, for that reason is necessary to take care of del that does not sing because something hides.
I learned that never it is behind schedule, that always can be begun again, right now, you can say to him coarse to the woman (or to the man) that no longer mistresses, to the work which you hate, to the things chain that you to the credit card, to the reporters whom they poison to you from the morning, to that want to direct your life; right now you can say to him" stop ' to the fear that you inherited, because the life is here and right now.
That nothing is relaxing to you of same you, you must be kind because still you did not enjoy, the greatest joy, nor you suffered the greatest pain. Empty the glass every night, so that God fills it to you of new water in the new day. It lives on moment in moment because that is the life. It cost 57 years to me to arrive up to here, how not to enjoy and to respect this moment? One gains and it is lost, rises and one lowers, one is born and one dies. And if history is so simple, why you worry as much? You do not feel aside and forgotten, all we are the Earth salt. In the tranquillity is health, like fullness within one.
it gives pardon to your being, it accepts your being remembers that you must live with same you by the eternity, flock the past not to repeat it, not to leave like your father, for not desanimarte like your mother, so that you do not offer the same form that they tried to you, but you do not blame them because nobody can teach what it does not know, gives your pardon them and you will free yourself of those chains. If you are kind to the present, the past it will not be relaxing to you, then you will be always new.
You have the power to be free at this same moment, the power is always in the present, because all the life is at every moment, but you do not say ' I cannot ' nor playfully because the unconscious one does not have humor sense he will take, it in serious and he will remember it to you you try whenever it. If you want to recover the health leaves the critic, the resentment and the fault, people in charge of our diseases.
It pardons to a all and same, there is liberation no greater than the pardon, is nothing like living without enemies. Nothing worse for the head and therefore for the body, that the fear, the fault, the resentment and the critic that to you judge does (exhausting and vain task) and accomplice than displeases to you. To blame to the others is not to accept the responsibility of our life, is to relax of her. Either and the evil lives within you, feeds the more or so that he is the winner whenever they must face. What we called problems are lessons, for that reason nothing than happens to us is in vain. You do not complain, remembers that you were born naked, then that trousers and that shirt that you take already is gain. It takes care of the present, because in him you will live the rest on your life.
you must be far from the anxiety, thinks that what must be, it will be, and happen naturally. Yet the love of my heart to those who can and wants to wake up! contact: IN MSN:
[email protected]
Note: I request excuses by the translation of my profile to the English language I did, it of the best form than I could. I hope that they can include/understand it.