NYLA...so whats that you ask?
We are moving to either LA or NY and i'll explain in grammatically incorrect and rantlike text.
I'll spill some guts for you.
I've had enough of this small town, this oppressive county, and the ignorant and hypocritical masses it seems to contain. 90% of the people i see look like they've come here to die. and...well...i'm not ready for that yet.
I've known for the past 7 years there's something bigger and brighter out there that i've got to be a part of. Temptations...bandmates, friends that are really my family, and the likelyhood of financial success have made my discontent here a blessing and enjoyable. I love you all more than my feeble human communication can express.
I speak of dreams. who are you when you aren't burdened by your waking mind. I'm going to find out. I shed tears and comfort for fears and the future.
I'll be there soon...and back before we know it.