My family moved to Hong Kong when I was 6 years old but my father stayed behind. I thought my father left us because of me. Then I immigrated with the family to United States to rejoin with my Dad when I was 13 years old. I wasn't a happy teen because I had an uncertain future. Finally, my mother told me we are staying in United States and that my father did not leave us. He was held hostage by the Vietnamese government. Fortunately, my father was liberated by the U.S. army and was brought to United States.
From my teens to late twenties I had no idea where my life was going, I was lost. Finally, I went back to school and found who I thought was an ideal husband but I wasn't happy and my marriage ended in 2006. Since then I had some professional help and found myself.
I have met a wonderful man named Gary. I was going to move with him to Florida last year. But unfortunately, my father passed away the day after Valentines, my second brother died a month later, a few days later Tuxi died, then a few months later my mom got a heart attack. I decided to stay and take care of her. Gary is a very understanding and a passionate person. He supports me totally. My mom is better and ever now. Last year wasnt a good year for me, but I made it through because I havent fullfill all my missions yet.
Friends from California
Friends from Florida.
I had two cats, my boy Tuxi, he died last year(2007) from poisoned cat food and was only 2 years old. I stopped buying all those chemical dry and wet food for my cat, now I ONLY buy organic. Fortunately, my girl Tawni was a picky eater didnt get poisoned. She is 4 years old. I cant have children. Tuxi and Tawni are my children. I miss Tuxi very much. I had him when he was only 6 weeks old. He was a sweetest cat I ever had. I have his pictures all over my place..... Sorry need a moment to put myself together.
Make no mistake, every person on this planet has a mission. Before you even think of contacting me. You have to contribute my mission first which is to Bring your own reusable bag when grocery shopping and Share this mission with as many people as possible.
THE PROBLEM: Plastic bags....
-Are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource
-Are everywhere! The average consumer uses 300 per year
and less than 1% of those are recycled.
-Polluting our waterways and oceans, killing 100,000 sea
animals each year, the sea life mistake the bags for
-Are a serious trash problem - they easily blow out of
trash cans and landfills, costing us millions in
-Photo-degrade = breaking into smaller particles but never
fully biodegrading.
-Stash bags in the car, or where you keep your keys, or
near the door.
-Keep your grocery list in your bag.
-Dont worry if you forget your bag; youll remember it the
next time.
Thank you for your contribution. We can all make a difference and choose how to live our lives, better and healthier. I had discovered this incredible company is call ONEgroup.
ONEgroup and environmentally sustainable principle and contributing to a better future for people and the planet. One Group is offering a revolutionary business opportunity. Would you like to work with a mission-oriented company, to have a positive affect on the health and well being of others, as well as the environment? One of the greatest inventors and philosophers of our time, Buckminster Fuller, said, The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of this generation and those that follow. Do you know the definition of an entrepreneur? The definition I use is problem solver. If you are living right now, theres a reason for it. Richard Bach, in his book Jonathan Livingston Seagull, is asked, How will I know when Ive completed my mission? The answer? If you are still breathing, you are not done.
That why I created this Myspace page. This really changed my life and I would love to network with and meet like minded people. Visit my website at or email me at [email protected] or give me a call at 1-206-600-6443 I would love to speak with you and get to know you.