Indy film, Sabotage, being the scientist, Gatorade fierce melon, Traveling, road tripping, kicking ass, taking names, running, cycling, swimming, soccer, ultimate frisbee, kicking a Rubick's cube's ass, neuroscience
Jesus, David, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, El Greco, Dean Karnazes, Danny Boyle
Alexisonfire, Life in Your Way, August Burns Red, Haste the Day, Summer Birds in the Cellar, Panic! at the Disco, 30 Seconds to Mars, Aphex Twin, Denali, Radiohead, Sum 41, Norma Jean, Underoath, As I Lay Dying, The Bled, My Chemical Romance, Dead Poetic, The Beloved, Thrice, Story of the Year, AFI, It Dies Today, Rage, SOAD, APC, NIN, Tool, Primus, Mr Krinkle, and anything else thats good.
Stranger than Fiction, Persuit of Happyness, Pan's Labyrinth, Casino Royale, Little Miss Sunshine , Sin City, 300, Shaun of the Dead!!!!, orange county, dark city, equilibrium, donnie darko, requiem for a dream, spirited away, ghost in the shell, akira, lain, kill bill 1 & 2, dark crystal, gattaca, Serpico, 28 days later (28 Weeks Later is coming out), Crash, The movie "Spartan" with Val Kilmer sux hardcore. So does alone in the dark.
Adult swim: Aqua teen. Scrubs, The Office, Lost, Weeds
Complications, Catcher in the Rye, Brave New World, Island, Farienheit 451, 1984, Republic, Wuthering Heights, Frankenstien, Bel Canto, Leaves of Grass, the Bible, Wild at Heart, The Count of Monte Cristo, Da Vinci Code, The Time Traveler's Wife, Screwtape Letters, all of the Chronicles of Narnia, and all the Harry Potter books.
Dean Karnazes is an utter badass.