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the Antennas

About Me

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born of a second cousin thrice removed from Peter Cottontail, three brothers, Layne, Landon and Mark emerged from a magic rabbit hole deep within a heathery meadow just outside Bruges, Belgium fully human and with the propensity and desire to play rock music.
not being wise in the ways of the world or currency exchange, they somehow hopped a passing train and, after riding aimlessly for awhile, ended up in Amsterdam 3 days later with the ability to play guitar, bass and drums and of course, sing; having listened to a Jamie Abersol educational cd that had been left on a vacant train car seat, conveniently within a discman with brand new batteries. A cd case was also left, containing Aha's greatest hits and the collective works of The Hives.
arriving in the US after a brief stint as merchant marines aboard a Dutch freighter(laden with packed sardines) to pay their trans-atlantic fare, they ascertained from a drunk, blind, street person upon landing in New York that Elvis was, in fact, the king of rock n roll. But as fate, and a bad translation from Harese to English, would have it, they mistakenly boarded a Greyhound bus for Nashville, not Memphis.
now here and not going anywhere, with an affinity for slim ties and a taste for white castle(except Mark who is a vegetarian and prefers soy dogs), the Antennas are ready to take the world by the tail and proliferate their unique brand of rock to any who will hear. . .

My Interests


Member Since: 27/05/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Layne - vocals, guitar, keyboards
Landon - bass, vocals, keyboards
Mark - drums, vocals, and much more
Influences: the dave clark five, the kinks, the beatles, elvis, the cars, the ramones, the La's, the romantics, the police, talking heads, the hives, anyone who ever mattered.
Sounds Like: hot macaroni and cheese being mixed with a spoon.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

buy the new album!

hey everyone, just wanted you to know you can now get our new self-titled debut album at CD Baby in cd or mp3 format or iTunes in mp3 format.  Just click the button of your choice in the 'About the An...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 12:28:00 GMT