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About Me

It all started years ago, when a boy and a girl fell in love with each other. It was true love, and I am the living proof of that. I'd like to call them my mother and father ...
Now, I'm not the only living proof ... My parents liked me a lot, so they decided to keep on going, while they had it in them. And guess what ... after they had my brother, they stopped! (I'm not suggesting anything) But okay, let's start talking about me again, because I believe that's why you are here.
Why don't we begin at the beginning? Well, I was very little being a baby. My first word was "cookie". It seems unusual, but I can explain it. My mother wanted to give me a cookie if I could say the word "mama", but I only had eyes for that cookie. Okay, she was a little disappointed, but hey, I couldn’t help it, it was her who wanted to give me that cookie.
During daytime, I was always very quiet, but that changed when the day turned into night. Once the night began, I started drawing the attention of my parents. Oh did they regret having me at that time. Their peaceful nights where over, that's why it took three years before I had a little brother.
I can be very brief on the first 17 years. I was really a doll … I never broke the rules, I never disobeyed my parents, etc. Afterwards (1994) I started living … really living! That year I started smoking, drinking and having fun. That was also the year I skipped my first classes. ”Six years ago, My first kill, Left the corps behind, I needed the thrill. That day was the start, Of my bloody Art – EXOTO” I can tell you some of the things I did.
For example, we went to the playground after school (about 20 people of the same age) where we played soccer. That was all during our exams. The first weeks of our holiday, we came there again around 8 o’clock in the evening. We stood there, talked and made plans for that night. In the evening (around 11 pm) we went back to our houses, and went to bed. Between 1 and 2 am (depending on what we discussed) we sneaked out the bedroom window, and came together again. Now we went to the city, playing all kinds of tricks on our way over there. Again it was all for the thrill. I also rang the church bells for a friend who became 15 that night. A friend of mine and me climbed in there, and rang the bells 15 times. We forgot however to look at the time, and we had just finished ringing, when the bells stroke 1 am. These are just two of the things I did, but which I still remember.
I also did some decent stuff at that time. I was following drivers lessons, and guess what … I passed the first time. That’s why I received my driver’s licence on Valentines Day (14th February 1995).
Skipping school was also one of my favourite wastes of time. Therefore I had to double my fourth and sixth (also last) year of high school. Doubling the last year was not so bad, cause then I had two years of profit. We went to Italy for ten days, and I went twice … Also Chrysostomos (100 school days before the graduation) was a celebration I could live twice. The meaning of Chrysostomos is … drinking! Because I was a DJ (I started 1st April 1994) I had arranged that the bar I was a DJ, was opened from 4 o’clock in the morning. We assembled there, drank a lot, and then went to school, where we had to perform a play (a funny play in which we could make fun of all teachers) Finally, after 8 years of high school (normally only 6 years) I graduated in Maths – Science.(1998)
After I graduated high school, I went to college. The first year, I went to Ghent to follow accountancy – fiscal. It was also the first year I was completely on my own. Far away from home, nobody familiar, … You can say it was very difficult to keep focussed. I quit school after one month, and started working. I just needed to be out of the study-circuits for a while. I tried several jobs, but none of them really fit me. I decided to go back to school. This time I didn’t went that far from home. I went to Hasselt to take course in Tourism. I knew a few people over there. I also joined the local fraternity. ORBIS was one of the biggest fraternities in the country, and we did lots of things. I really felt at home. I tried not to miss too many classes, because I knew this was my last chance. When I received the results of my partial exams, I was really disappointed. If I would like to pass that year, there had to be some great miracles. As I knew that it was my last year, I focussed on partying and having fun. Everybody has to have great experiences of his college-time. I became very popular in our pub and our fraternity, as I was always at the parties and other meetings.
But as I already said, that was the last year of college for me, and I had to start working again.
I started looking for a job, and because of my experience earlier, it wasn’t so hard. It didn’t take too many jobs before I found something I’d really liked. In October, I started working at Emery Worldwide as a warehouse-clerk. The company started only half a year earlier. As I grew up in and with the company, I became Quality Control – Inventory clerk, and later on even Super user (first-line Support Analyst). That only in two and a half years, together with some raises. I really felt good in that job, as I had become very important for the company. There was only one thing I hated. I had to give up my social life, as I had to work late almost every day, and I had to give up several of my weekends. That’s when I finally made the decision to leave. I started working at a furniture company as an incoming container planner. I knew that was only for a little while, as I really wanted to work with computers again. After three months I found a job with AtosOrigin Support Centre. I became a first line Support Analyst (for AtosOrigin). I started there in June 2001.
In August 2005 I also received an offer from PsionTeklogix in the south of France. Of course that opportunity I had to take, and so in September 2005 I moved to Aix en Provence. The company paid 2 months in a hotel for me, and afterwards I found an appartement of my own in the center of Aix.In the beginning I forced myself to go out a lot, also during the week, in order to improve my French and to start to get to know people. Mostly I went to "L'Elfike", a gothic pub downtown. After a few months, I got to know "Sunset Cafe", and that's where I spent most of my weekends. They play mostly Rock, New age and pop music, but at least they have a dance floor, so in the weekends that's easier to get to know people. Now I'm counting the days to start in a new company ... Rockwell automation in Gruiten, Germany. There I can earn even more then here, and I'll be closer to my family. Yes it's true, I've been looking for some jobs in a lot of countries so far, and Germany will be the 4th country I'll be living in.
This is my baby Allegra

This is my baby, Allegra. I can play with Allegra, dress Allegra up, and take care of Allegra at Make A Baby. Want some babies of your own?

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