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I am here for Networking

About Me

At, we want to provide you with an indispensable marketing tool for growing your business, one that is widely used by your potential customers and provides you with a solid return on your investment.
Here’s how we do it...
• Search Engine Optimization — We’re #1 on Google and usually in the top three on all 300 other search engines, including Yahoo, and MSN.
• Affordability — Our price point is one of the most competitive in the market sector, which means you’ll see a good, solid return on your tax-deductible business investment.
• Limited Competition — We limit the number of similar advertisers on our site to heighten prospective interest in your business opportunity or franchise.
• Brand Recognition — Our site allows you to display your logo and detailed information about your organization, thus creating and maintaining brand exposure. At, we take customer service very seriously. We’re dedicated to providing you with the utmost in account support whenever you need it.
“We want to become an integral part of your long-term business plan, and we’re dedicated to doing whatever it takes to ensure that happens. Our commitment to you is that we will continuously strive to provide you with exemplary customer service, as well as a worthwhile return on your tax-deductible business investment with us.”
-Kevin James Culp, Director of Sales
Our advertiser retention rate of more than 92% is hard earned; we’re very proud of that!
Here’s what we’re up to…
• Customer Service — All of us here at pride ourselves on our customer service record. More than 92% of our customers choose to continue doing business with us after their initial contract has expired. That’s something we’re really proud of, and we’re working hard every day to ensure that percentage climbs even higher. We want to be your partner in growing your business over the long haul. And we’ll do whatever we can to make good on that commitment.
• Pride and Quality — takes pride in the quality of its web site. We know our most important goal is to drive quality prospects who are proactively seeking business and franchise opportunities to you, our clients. Each month, we invest in cutting-edge search engine marketing strategies across hundreds of targeted search engines that ultimately generate hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month to our site. At the same time, we’re constantly re-evaluating how we do things to ensure there is continued growth of our user base and that our site is enhanced to increase trac ow and hold your prospective customers’ interest. We also are always seeking new ways to enhance our site’s recognition within the marketplace and making the necessary changes to stay current and interesting.
• Our Team — is dedicated to supporting each of its advertisers and their prospects in every way possible to ensure their experience with us is rewarding. We know that success rests ultimately in the hands of our people. Our management and sales team includes a group of highly seasoned professionals with decades of combined experience and proven success in the business and online marketing arenas.
“We know the value that is added to your bottom line when you make online marketing an integral part of any long-term business plan. Let our team share their expertise with you and show you how easy and cost-ecient an online marketing program can be.”
- Todd Hatch, Co-Founder

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