I hold individuals who live by and enforce rules, merely because they're the rules, with the littlest regard and respect possible. So, I'd like to meet individuals who live their lives under an autonomous, self-derived, sense of morality.
Also, people who interfere in others' lives, or believe they have the authority or prerogative to command others' obedience, disgust and enrage me. Police officers and others who take it on themselves to control the workings of society by attempting to impose their usually ignorant, arrogant, morally conservative notions of proper behavior on individuals who are in no way negatively affecting others or society, infuriate me.
I detest acceptance of, or apathy towards, expropriation of citizens' civil liberties. I refuse to ever abdicate my rights or have my attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors prescribed; subsequently I have been in many arguments with police officers and other supposed authority figures about what constitutes impropriety, both on their part and mine.
Though my attitudes may not be appreciated or lauded by those in authority, neither are their's by me. That power corrupts has long been a maxim I have believed veracious and I, possessing but little in the balance of our relationship, hold more faith and belief in myself than I will ever have in them. That I question, disbelieve, and distrust, then, is not only natural, but necessary.