The Real Mrs. Allen McKenzie Beautiful in his eyes profile picture

The Real Mrs. Allen McKenzie Beautiful in his eyes

I hate fake a** people !!!!!!

About Me

Click Here For Myspace Layouts !I'm 37 yrs.old .I'm currently enrolled in college, studying to become an LPN. I live in Ohio. I am married to the most loyal, amazing and loving man in the world. We have 4 beautiful children together -3 boys and 1 girl. My husband is the bass player for National Recording Artists FIREHOUSE. I occasionally travel with him when I have the opportunity to. My husband & my children are my life.No one can destroy what we have. Without them in my life, I'm not sure where I would be.. I love them all soooo much..................
MySpace Icons

.. img width=0 height=0 style="visibility:hidden;" src=" c8nBdc3bMDTvNxh8YPCZT0EgEosybDqqdKKW7WjrkWFXDlKaQ9rWW0GItMKy 7d-OMS7zF4UOuc5Ev25Mk004pmT2n33gHQLE=.tif"

My Interests

I'm into Phlebotomy-( for those of you that don't know what that is ) blood drawing. I love watching medical shows that show detailed operations. blood and guts so to speak. I also am very interested in taking classes for Private Investigating. I've already found out alot about people and how they work.......

I'd like to meet:

People who enjoy music and like to make friends. ABSOLUTELY NO GROUPIES OR FREAKS!!!!!!!!!
COOL MySpace Comments a


80's Rock- Marillion( My Hubby introduced me to this ) They rock!!!!!! I HATE RAP MUSIC! If you put the letter "C" in front of "RAP" then you've got it right! You can't spell crap without rap!!!


old-time horror flicks( Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf ) My all time favorite will always be The Wizard of Oz.


HOUSE, LAW & ORDER, Life in the ER, Trauma, etc..
COOL MySpace Comments


I am not much of a novel reader but I do enjoy reading medical journals & articles about detailed medical procedures.


I would have to say my mom and my dad. They taught me so much as i grew up. They are the greatest parents anyone could ever have.

My Blog


Just feeling a little overwhelmed right now. I just started college on Tuesday. I'm going for my LPN. I have a quiz coming up on Monday. There is alot to study for- 3 chapters in Medical Terminolo...
Posted by The Real Mrs. Allen McKenzie Beautiful in his eyes on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 10:58:00 PST


 I just wanted to let the whole wide world know how much I'm loved by my husband & soulmate . He is out on the road with FIREHOUSE & He calls me every chance he gets just to tell me he lo...
Posted by The Real Mrs. Allen McKenzie Beautiful in his eyes on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 07:49:00 PST