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♥ Soph

I'm just a pirate looking for booty.

About Me

i melt cold fronts. if i could, i would shoot pie into my veins.

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My Interests

-Books 'specially ones by Latin American Authors.
-Listening to Music.
-Watching movies.
-Going to concerts.
-Going to the Opera. (I ♥ Puccini)
-Ethnic anything.
-My family.
-My friends, who are my family.
-Road trips, bus trips, train trips.
-Zombie movies.
-Colors & Sparkly Things.
-Made-up words like concernicus.
-The rockstar quotes.
-Chuck Norris jokes.
-Lame pickup lines.
-Driving around for no reason.
-Learning new and wonderful things.
-Debating, protesting, activism, fighting the system.
-Shirley Temples.
-Madori Sours.
-Mu guinea pigs & cat.
-Acoustic guitars.
-People with aspirations.
-Anything gummy.
-Red Wine.
-Dance Parties.
-Stand-up Comedy.
-Walking on the beach.
-Heated debates.
-Bulletin boards.
-Strong arms.
-Thrift Stores.
-The Seasons.
-Dressing up.
-20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's.
-New underwear.
-Habeas Corpus.
-Latin America.
-John Mayer's new CD Continuum.

-When tall people sit in front of you at the movies.
-No seasons.
-The word Webminar.
-Machismo (actually it is more like a love and hate).

I'd like to meet:

♥ Dane Cook. He's such a funny bitch. I want to have all of his children, or at least one of them. He can name them WHATEVER HE WANTS.

♥ Jack Kerouac. Yes, I know he is dead. But, fuck, that man is amazing.

♥ Harry Connick, Jr. I want to be serenaded by THE jazz man. Plus, it helps that he's very attractive.

George W. Bush so I can yell a string of obsenities at him or a logical argument as to why he truly is an extremely inept president, but an excellent puppet.

& dorks- proud ones, people who aren't afraid to fly their freak flag, random people, people who haven't had a lobotomy, politically oriented people- they don't have to be liberal. we all have the right to their own opinions;, Persians, Italians, Greeks, Peruvians [Viva Peru!] Mafia People, and FUNalicious people.


Jazz, Hip Hop, Country, Metal, Punk Rock, World Music (Putumayo collections), Salsa, New Age, 80's, 50's, 60's, 70's, and Today, Peruvian music... Everything really.


♥ Grandma's Boy.
♥ Little Miss Sunshine.
♥ The Last Kiss.
♥ Imagine Me and You.
♥ Running Scared
♥ Zombie Movies like Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, or George A. Romero's Land of the Dead.
♥ Mafia Movies like The Professional or Goodfellas.
♥ Sappy Romance Movies like When Harry Met Sally or 10 Things I Hate About You.
♥ Garden State.
♥ Citizen Kane.
♥ Beyond Borders or Hotel Rwanda.
♥ Comedies like Wedding Crashers.
♥ Mediocre Jennifer Lopez or Mandy Moore movies.
♥ Paranormal Movies like Blade, The Poltergeist, or The Habit.
♥ Any movie expect for ALONE IN THE DARK or Home Fries.


Do you really want to get me started? Let me just say that ANYONE who puts "BOOKS? Books are for losers" or any bullshit like that, well, THEY ARE IGNORANT and STUPID.Anything by Jack Kerouac or any of the Beat writers, James Patterson, Machiavelli, any Latin American author, etc.


My mother.
Peter- RIP.

My Blog

i am flustered because i just found out they have a new carebear: amigo bear.

1. Is your second toe longer than your first? yes; apparently, it is the sign of a leader. or that is what us freaks have come up with to feel better about our deformity.2. Do you have a favorite type...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:27:00 PST

i hate the rain; my feet are soaking wet, and i had to take my socks off.

February should be a lot of fun. I mean other than school especially classes by the name of US: Policy/Process and work. Things like: The culmination of the film festival. I am going to go see a...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:38:00 PST

when you hurt so bad.

my whole body HURTS. i had to roll out of bed this morning. literally ROLL. i thought i was paralyzed. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. i walk like a zombie. i cannot bend my legs. i work 7:30am to midnig...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:37:00 PST

anecdotes from beginning flag football

i was one of two girls in the class.   this is going to be fuuuuuuuun....     the teacher said, "I hope you girls stick it out because we don't have that many girls in this class." &nbs...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:48:00 PST

i want a great dane. i cannot wait to grow up.

100 Things You may not have Known About Me...1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?miller lite. (Meh.)2. Do you follow college football?not really. 3. How many miles does your car have on i...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:28:00 PST

the devil's work- a horoscope.

The outward results may not be dramatic, but nonetheless, you are experiencing some profound shifts at a soul-deep level. A change in attitude will eventually effect a change in your outer circumstanc...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 10:26:00 PST

why'd you sing hallelujah when it means nothing to ya?

110's110 Questions Some People Wouldn't Think To Ask! [whatever...]001. When's the last time you ran?yesterday. it was fuckin' COLD, and i had to get to the car ASAP.002. Do your jeans have rips, tear...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 12:07:00 PST

this techno Coldplay is driving me crazy...

1. what is your occupation?gift bitch at lazy acres. i love it.2. what color are your socks right now?white.3. what are you listening to right nowcoldplay.4. what is the last thing you ate?chocolate c...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 03:40:00 PST

and so it is...

Today Did You--1. Talk to a boy/girl you like?i don't like anyone right now. i am just looking. people have piqued my interest. but, right now, i like me, and i talk to me all the time.2. Realize anyt...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 12:15:00 PST

40% chance of snow!

1. Are you in a relationship?nope. i love being single and amazing.2. Do you hate more than 3 people?no.3. How many houses have you lived in?four.4. What is your favorite candy?gummy anything.5. What ...
Posted by Soph + pie = love! on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 04:03:00 PST