There are so many random things I'm interested in... I can't say I can count them all with both hands^_^! lol!I'm a fun lovin' girl! I suppose anything fun or anything/action that strikes me as funny, I'll love it as it is. Anything "pretty" and "girly" is cool too...BUT, that doesn't necessarily deem me as "high-maintenance". Honestly, I'm a tomboy! I'm "down" with the guys, just not anything too crazy like those people from "Jackass," that's way too much for me^_^...actually, i've never seen that movie...both of them^_^~luvs~
I wanna meet the people i'm destined to meet in life^_^. Simple as that. I'm not necessarily finicky with people. My terms, as long as you're not even more vain than I am, and you make me laugh...chances are I'll like you! haha^_^!
I'm not up for meeting people from the internet. I've done that before, and found it..."unsatisfying" (that's without sexual relationship to the word i've just used, of course).View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics
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I listen to almost everything...I prefer not to listen to "regaeton"...I guess I've yet to develop a level of liking^_^! This type of music is really great to dance to, but I can't say that I like to listen to it...I just LOVE to dance along!When I'm driving in my car, I like to be a little more lively. Therefore, I chose to pop-in some hip-hop, rap, [sometimes] house/elektronika...depending on my mood of course^_^! And when I'm feeling a little low to the ground, I prefer love songs [that's right! i don't deny!], alternative 80's/90's; some Nickleback does the trick^_^!I suppose, anything and everything that sounds good^_^!~luvs~
my personal favorite movie is "Interview With the Vampire"...the characters are hot...the plot of the movie is hot...the men...are hot^_^ haha!I love to watch Ace Ventura too...or any of the Jim Carrey movies made...'specially "Man on the Moon"...great movie!!!
Most generics: Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Sex in the City, Degrassi [yes, Degrassi...*sigh* LOVE this show!], Scrubs, [my fave^_^] House, Discovery Health Channel, Food Network [hey! girl's gotta eat good food eh?], What Not to Wear...Tripping the Rift [although i haven't seen this show for...ever! they cancelled it...WHY?!?!?!] many shows!
Destiny by Sally BeaumanPlease Read my blog^_^! Just copy and paste the link address to the Address bar above...and tell me what you think...just don't be offensive or rude, because I don't appreciate either^_^. Thank you!The address is:
People who chose their own path of life, who do not care for the opinions about them...