Music, Golf, Friends, Family, Business, Work, School, Football
Tiger Woods, Nappy Roots, Bill Gates, Joe Tiller, Gene Keady, My Pops, The Bush Daughters for a one nighter, Mike Alstott, John Gruden, Payton Manning, Donald Trump, Martin Luther King, Pat Tillman, Franklyn D. Roosavelt, Google Founders in no specific order.
All..including country because you can't be a fan of all music unless you appreciate every aspect of it!
Saving Private Ryan, Good Will Hunting, Black Hawk Down, Jar Head, The Matrix's, old war flix, and any other movie that has meaning!
ESPN, Lost, MSNBC, CSI, The Apprentace (D. Trump Style), Playstation 2
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Good to Great, The Devinci Code, Michael Chriton Books, Rudi Giuliani's Leadership
All great American leaders