Dad COME 1st ThEn Company
my work and work and work ......tell me about it
pada itu yang menyakitkan telinga...lagi pening, tapi aku suka ada walkman yang mahal untuk Dipegang & tengok sajer HhahahHhmahah Tapi akhirnya dipinjam oleh kakak yang tertua aku.....(selamat ke walkman aku tu?)
Aku SUke beli DVD yang mempunyai gambar yang cantek lagi terang. senang Nak TENGOK dan SELESA. Duit tak berproblem...asalkan aku suke
when i arrived from office its Already LATE night....i dont have any astro at home....something went wrong and I only got 2 watch channel 3 & 8...provided nobody crash the AREA...hahahhahah.. so i just watch what is clear to the eye.
I would LOVE to wANT to BuY Full Series komek books : - 1. doremon 2. Dragon Ball 3. Yuyu Hakusho 4. Slam Dunk and muCH2 More. but it my folks will jump on me. Hohoho
ThaT wILL be Me and better be me...whY Sould others get the COMPlimentssSs. HhaaHAHAmamiaha