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MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: bRittAny
Birthdate: jUne 2 1988
Birthplace: ReidSvilLe , NC
Current Location: thA ville
Eye Color: BroWn
Hair Color: BroWnish SumThing
Height: 5'6
Weight: 125
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: GemIni
Ethnicity: BLACK
Body Type: SliM
Favorite Food: ChICKEN/ItalIan
Favorite Drink: MOUNTAIN DEW
Baseball Team: BrAves
(when) Bedtime: whEN i gEt sleepy...duh!
Favorite Color(s): GReeN
Favorite Letter: S
Favorite Number: 10
Candy: Sweet TarTs
Favorite Animal: ZebRa
Favorite Messenger: AIM
Screename: bpeezy0612
Favorite Store: don"T hAve onE
Most Missed Memory: When I beLievEd in SANTA !!!
Best Physical Feature: cHEst
Overused Phrase: WhatEva
First Thought Waking Up: i mAde IT!
Goal for this year: MAke It inTo collegE witH no problEms
Weakness: CariNg 2 mUCh
Fears: BEES, being alone
Heritage: GooD QUestion
Longest Relationship: A yeAr and A hAlf
School's Name: ROckINghAM
Favorite TV Show: AmeRicaS nExt Top Model
Have You Ever....
Drank: YEs
Smoked: ...mAybe....mAybe NOt
Dyed Your Hair: YEs
Shoplifted: NO
Tried To Do The Splits: yes
Tried To Do A Backbend: YEs
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: Yes
Tried To Do A Handstand: YEs
Tried To Act Perfect: nOpe..i dont' think
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: yEs
Skinny Dipped: a feW seConds Ago..iN my BathtUB
Had Sex: YES
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: YEs
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: YEs ...fAmIly and fRIends
Been Dumped: YEs
Done Drugs: Nope
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: YEs
Ate Sushi: Yes
Loved Someone: Yes
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: doSent mAtter --buT thE light bRowNS gET me
Fav Hair Color: Dosen'T matter
Short or Long Hair: lOng
Height: TALLER than me
Weight: As lOng as Its don"T matter
Looks Or Personality: PerSonAlity ..but u still cant be uGLY
Love or Money: loVe...But nOT broKe
Hot Or Cute: HOT
Drugs and/or Alcohol:
Muscular or Really Skinny: MUSCULAR
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: SEXY
How Do You Want To Die?: nO pAIn
What country do you want to Visit: ASIA
Been to the Mall Lately: TODAY
Do you like Thunderstorms: YEs iF iM wiT my babY!
Shower Daily: Yes....DUH liKE 3 tiMEs
Do you Sing: YEs
Want to go to College: yEs
Clothes: WhiTe t-shirt
Shoes: SoCks
Make-Up: lIGht
Hair Do: pONY tAIl
Phone Number:
Location: ATL
Weather: COLD
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You've been totally Bzoink*d
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{Love and basketball}
{brown sugar}
{FInding nEmo}
{The Fox and the hound}
{The cAt in tHe HAt}
Name: Brittany
Birthdate: June 2, 1988
Hair: i hAve no clUe whAt coLor to Call it
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6
Gender: female
How many true relationships have you had?: 4
Have you ever been in love?: yes
What's your idea of a perfect date?: as long as its with the one i love...every date is perfect
Where's your favorite place to be kissed?: WhEw..mY nEck anD stomAch
How many sexual partners have you had?: UHm..nonE of YoUR buSiness
How many people have you kissed?: nO clUE
Do you like to make the first move?: No...
Are you a snuggler?: yEs i Am I lovE to snUggle
Do you kiss on the first date?: mAybe
Where is the best place you've ever hooked up?: at a bAskEtball gAme
Do you consider yourself to be romantic?: Yes
Are you an angel or a devil in the sack?: Humm..i guEss i cAN be bOth
Would you ever pay someone for sex?: NO--i gets mines
Would you ever let someone pay YOU for sex?: nO!
Do you keep your eyes open when you kiss?: No
What was your most embarrassing sexual moment?: HaVen't HAd oNE
Have your parents ever caught you in a compromising position?: nO
Have you ever performed a striptease?: yEs
How about a lapdance?: YEs
Have you ever received a lapdance?: yes
Do you like sexual contact?: Yes
Are you straight, gay or bi?: StRaiGht
Have you ever made out with a member of the opposite sex?: nOpE nEvA EVa
Are you a giver or a taker?: HuM.. it depends
What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend?: sexy, nice, somebody thats actually doing something with their life...a few other things
Do you think you've met the person you'll spend the rest of your life with?: i coUldn't sAY
Do you know who your bridesmaids and groomsmen would be?: nOPe
Have you ever cheated on a significant other?: Yes...but i'll never do it again
Have you ever hooked-up with someone already in a relationship?: yea...but i didn't know till afterwards
Have you ever cried over a member of the opposite sex?: YeS...
Have you ever had your heart broken?: oF coURse ...i live in reidsville
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?: YEs
Would you date or marry someone if your parents didn't accept them?: Yes
How about if your friends didn't accept them?: yEs
What's the worst relationship you ever had?: i've had 2 many
Have you ever done anything sexual while on the road?: NOT on the RoAD..
Would you kiss someone if you didn't love them?: SurE
Who told you all about sex?: mY MomS
Are you always horny?: NoNe of Your buSinEss!
Are you a flirt?: Yes I am!
Are you a tease?: sOMe pEopLe sAY that...but i don't try 2 be
Do you prefer to chase or BE chased?: I don't chase niggas...
Do you prefer morning or evening hook-ups?: EitHER
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter with a member of the opposite sex, and woke up in each others arms?: YeS
How old were you at the age of your first kiss?: 10
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: uhM...THATS a LiL PeRsONaL
Do you sometimes wish you could change that?: yES
Do you enjoy being in a relationship?: YeS If ItS with sOMeonE that MAkes mE hapPy
Are you currently in one?: YEs
Has anyone ever fallen in love with you?: yes...well they said they i believe them
Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it?: yes
Are you "noisy" when you get heated?: i don't kno
What is your kissing pet peeve?: uHm...i don't have one
Do you think you're a good kisser?: yes..i've been told that
nip tuck..flavor of love....
The What-If Game
What is the longest word you know?: i kno one...but i can't spell it : (
What is the capital of the Czech Republic?: do i look like i kno
What would you rescue if your house burned down?: my grandma and papa
What makes you cry?: a broken heart, and seeing people in pain
What makes you smile?: family friends, and being treated right
What did you think of Harold and Kumar Go to Whitecastle?: don't kno
What would you think of kissing someone of the opposite sex?: i would like it..depends on who though...
What makes the world go round?: love and money
What is your favorite song?: SO SICk
What would you do for a Klondike bar?: nuTHing
What is the name of the 15th President of the United States?: don't kno
What do you daydream about?: My spEcial sOMeone
What does exacerbate mean?: I don't kno
What is your favorite thing in the whole world?: ....chICken....
If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?: Save some , and give some 2 family--and spend alot
If Myspace shut down, how would you feel?: sad
If you could be any animal, you would be...: zebra
If you could teleport, where would you go?: mars
If corn really did have ears...: i would peirce them... Just kidding--eat them duh!
If California dropped off into the ocean tomorrow...: be sad cuz i kno people there
If you were stuck on an island with one person, who would it be?: reza
If Elvis came back to life...: id wonder where he came from
If George Bush ran another term in office...: i'll die
If you could see anyone, right at this moment, who would you want to see?: FrienD in MIssiSsippI..i MISs HEr
If you could know when you would die, would you want to?: No
If you were the king of the forest...: how bout queen..and i would make every body cater to
If you only had a week left to live, what would you do?: a whole bunch of crazy stuff
If you could speak any other language, what would it be and why?: spanish--cuz i need to pass this class
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You've been totally Bzoink*d^ i filled this out a long time