tHRILL - Thrash Music v1 Mix
Goose - C'est La Vie (Goose Remix)
Culprit-1 - Tricks (Rougue Element Remix)
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork (DIM Remix)
Revolte - Fucking On Music (Oliver Glacomotto Kill Em All Mix)
Crookers - Love To Edit
Kill The Noise - Hey You (Paparazzi Remix)
Les Petits Pilous - Housi
Grum - Go Back (Le Castle Vania Remix)
Monosurround - Cocked Locked Ready To Rock (Fukkk Off Remix)
Kid Digital - There For You (Pro 7 Remix)
Dilemn - Check My Beat
Huoratron - Hoedown
tHRILL - Suicidal 3rd Grader
Ocelot - Lo Sfozo (Pro 7 Remix)
Le Castle Vania and Computer Club - The Messiah
Proxy - 40 Seconds
Sebastian - Dog