Making friends all over the world no matter where i am...
who i like to meet?? uuuuummmm.....that's a tricky question that i cannot answer it rite now..but the most important things, i love watching people when im alone...
World music, ballads, soul, slow rock, modern rock, hip hop, pop...
i love to watch Love and Romance Movie, Humour, especially cartoons an di hate violence...
iM rEaLLy DoN't kNoW aBoUt iT sO mUcH cOz i'm nOt a tV person..bUt i'M LoVe tO wAtCh dEsPeRaTe HoUsEwIfE, SeX aNd ThE CiTy, aMeRiCaN NeXt tOp MoDeL, pRoJeCt RuNaWaY, tHe ApPrEntIcE, kInGdOm HoSpiTaL...
aLL LiFeStYLe mAgAzInE, GLaM, CLeO, vOgUe...
oF cOuRsE mY BeLoVeD pArEnTs....