Biking..Baseball..Out..Swimming..PC Games and Playstation Games..websurfing..Music..Gadgets..PC Upgrades..Movies..Friends..Sepak Takraw..Soccer... Mountain Hiking..
I want to meet a girl like those in romantic comic books.
hhmm...Music always changes..I can't tell because it changes as time flows..but for now..I'd like the song .... "Rainbow".
Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Shrek, ICE Age, Monsters Inc. final Fantasy, Spider Man, Underworld, Brave Heart, A walk many..cant metion all of em.
SONY..heheh..just joking..hhmm..Survivor Series..Combat Missions..Darma and Greg..Spin City..The Mask (cartoon network), Cow and Chicken, All That, Kenan and Kel, (all Nickelodeon shows), (all cartoon network shows), Will and Grace, The Gilmore girls, 7th Heaven..NEWs..Top Gear..ESPN (Fifa world cup)..Whitbread round the world Race (yachting)
The Greatest Salesman in the world, the jesus incident, treasure Island, 2001: A space Odyssey,