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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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First things first... Lemme tell you a little about me... My name is Amee but my friends call me Espi. I have 2 beautiful children... Isaiah and Jeremiah AKA JJ. I love being a mom and I love all of the blessings that come with it.... Being a single mother has taught me sooo much about myself and how to be caring and giving to others... I am a "go getter" type of woman.. I am very career oriented and I always reach for the stars. The sky is the limit for my dreams... I love to help people and my ultimate goal is to become more active in helping my community be a safer place... I work full time as a secretary. I currently attend the University of Phoenix. My study program is Human Services. I also serve in the US Air Force. My job in the military is Traffice Management. I am a reservist and my base is in Colorado Springs, CO. I love and admire the people that I work with at all of my jobs... They help me see things in myself that I have never seen before. I truely believe that no matter who you know, EVERYONE has something different to teach you. I try to find the good in all people. I believe that faith and love are both characteristics that are in all people... The hard part is finding it in yourself. I am a very strong, independent woman... I take care of myself physically, mentally and I know exactly what I want in my life... Not to mention what I don't want in my life... Even when times get rough, I will still hold my head up high, put a smile on my face and continue my day as if its my last.In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends. We go to bars, clubs, have a few drinks, dance and talk about the fun we have had together. I also enjoy spending time with my little ones. We like to go to the zoo, parks, aquariums and eat out...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Isn't David Beckham hot???
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I believe that having a good network of friends is important... I will not burn bridges that I may need in the future. I love my friends and I love my family... I believe that a true friend is someone that is trustworthy and has a dry shoulder for me to cry on when needed... A true friend would listen to me when i need to vent and just talk on the phone for a while but yet not criticize me... I'd love to meet someone thats open minded to things... Such as... Sit at home and just watch movies ALL DAY LONG!!! EAT ALL DAY LONG!!! SLEEP ALL DAY LONG... You get the idea.
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My Blog

Lean like a chola

Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 14:38:00 GMT

Why should we keep sharpies away from mexicans???

Posted by on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:04:00 GMT

Joseph A. Espinoza... RIP... I love you daddy

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Posted by on Thu, 25 May 2006 23:20:00 GMT


As we grow up we learn that the one person who isn't supposed to let you down, probably will, and the one person that you never thought would be there for you is... you're going to have fights with yo...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 17:57:00 GMT