A List Of "Absolutely Not's"
1). Please Do not use my page for your personal use of advertising yourself or others or,etc. I don't knock anyone's hustle by any means, and appreciate and respect people trying to get ahead, but please do it elsewhere, it will just get deleted!
2).Please DO NOT LEAVE Vulgar comments or profanity thats disrespectful and rude! AND forgive me for saying this..but the "DO YOU LIKE ME YES OR NO" comments ARE LAME! They will be deleted and come off desperate , including the PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK. If i wanted to do something, I need to ask!I will NOT do things especially when I have no clue who u are!
3). Please do not send notes or comments trying to hookup with me if you are UNDER THE AGE OF 26! I'm almost A BIG NO! Although I dont discriminate, its just a personal preference! This also Goes for men WAY OLDER TOO..Im sorry thats gross! I am not trying to date men who could be my dad! smh@ some men. Please respect it!
4). I do not use Myspace for anything other than keeping in touch with friends, MAKING NEW ONES, NETWORKING, and using it for a means of entertainment. Please do not take it personal if I dont respond to comments about meeting up! I have no problems meeting new people and getting to know YOU! But..I find it a HUGE turn off when you expect to instantly be bumped up to my top spot after one conversation,lol..or expect us to exchange numbers and meet up that day or week..! I dont care what kind of WOMEN you meet on here, or how they act when they meet ppl online, but I DONT do this to find a "date"..IF IT TURNED INTO MORE..great, but pls dont press the issue! And get an attitude, or keep asking to hangout if I DONT KNOW YOU..i wont, until I do.
5). I am not by any means a "chickenhead" ,"vain person", "concieted" or anything else along those lines, so please treat me and others who have class with RESPECT! I am not on here to hear all the WHACKED OUT WORN OUT lines u use in the club my love...Its not my style, and I quickly lose interest when I dont see you come to me with a genuine line!
6). Please dont get me wrong, I truely appreciate all the love I get from all of you, TRUELY...but...DO not waste your time sending a note like "hi" and expect a response..or "hi sexy/ baby/mami chula/beautiful; etc! Its very BASIC AND it doesnt seperate you from anyone else that would make me want to indulge in convo with you! Maybe other women respond to that, and feel special, but it takes ALOT MORE TO MAKE ME SMILE, and its certainely not a "cheesy line" or "GAME" COME original, and BE YOURSELF, and respectful. PERIOD!