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Alissa Sanders

About Me

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---------------------------Eu. Me. About...
Born on Sunset and Vine in Hollywood, California, USA
My grandmother taught me my first song at one and a half years.
It was, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Reborn, 1993, in Salvador, Bahia, the cradle of Brazil.
I learned to speak and to sing by ear because the music is in both of my languages and both of my cultures- one chosen and one from birth.
I choose to be an artist who contributes to rebirthing the world. What does this mean to me?
It means letting the music come through to do its work. Because I believe music is the language of the soul, individual and collective. I believe music is the only language that is spoken and heard by all.
And, I believe that music will contribute to making a world where being a mother will be the world's most prestigious job and politicians and CEOS will be replaced by artists and patrons of the Arts!
And in this world Love is the most valuable currency and the common denominator between all faiths, nationalities, and beings.
I live to be a part of this force. It is my goal and it is my journey.
Herein ends the logical and begins the lyrical, the inspired. The road lays itself with each step.........
I work currently with 2 different Jazz trios in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I sing weekly at Baretto (Hotel Fasano) while I am developing my project-personal and collective. This project brings together the languages of Jazz and Samba through lyrics, rhythms and form and to this adds elements of Africa. With my trio as the core and invited musicians from Brazil, Africa and Europe, are creating a new language through our music. It's coming together organically and dynamically. This music is going have a life of it's own, and I can FEEL that it's powerful!
Soon, I'll have recordings and video of the project up for you to see/hear and by June I want to be recording an album so that we can start to tour!
In addition to recording and performing my music, I want to facilitate exchanges and collaborations between artists, create an artist collective and retreat center in Northeast Brazil. It will also serve as a creative center where performances, workshops and other events can be held or where artists can just come to find the work-space, freedom, support, tranquility and inspiration they need to create
If you'd like more information or are interested in collaborating on the projects above, let's be in touch!

My Interests


Member Since: 25/05/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: On the recordings (nas gravações):
"Almost Like Being in Love" and "My One and Only Love": Valeria Schwarz, piano; Sidiel Vieira, bass; Rodrigo Digão Bras, drums and percussion
"Tea in the Sahara", "Velha Infancia": Daniel Gordon (drums), Claudio Andrade (piano), Gastão Villeroy (acoustic bass) and Beethoven (percussion). Guitar on Tea in the Sahara and all arrangements and production were done by my "co-pilot" João Paulo Mendonça
"Hidden From View" was written and the music performed by Amiel and can be found on his album "Figures Seeking Ground"
"Shadow of Your Smile" and "Can't Get Started" feature: Qai-fi Moreira on bass, Marcio Mutalupi on guitar and Ned Jr. on drums.
Influences: My favorites at the moment (ie. Heavy rotation on itunes):
Celine Rudolph, Richard Bona, Lokua Kanza, Radiohead!!!!!, Toumani Diabate, Nass Marakesh
For forever and ever more: Sarah Vaughan, Cassandra Wilson, Ella Fitzgerald, Rufus Wainwright, Radiohead, The Police, Mônica Salmaso, Thomas Dolby, Toumani Diabate, Kate Bush, Mariella Santiago, Gilberto Gil, Maria Bethania,
Sounds Like: You tell me!
Type of Label: Unsigned