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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Here is My Land Here You can Find Me, Say Hi and You Are Welcome.

My blog direct link


-Pic Spot Box (6 October)
-Pensieri Vari Box (23July)
-Interessi (23July)
If You Like D&D or if You like to watch some D&D animations click here to enter in my Communty Blog. The Animations are in English.. but not the contents eheh.Enjoy.
If You Like Japanese Cosplay I have a little collection you can find in MySpace page or, if you prefer, just clicking on thefollowing link: Cosplay Gallery
Baccanasta Blog Portal


Hi, I'm from Italy (Perugia).. and well if you are reading in here im sure you have lot of time to spend lookingaround here and there.. by the way this time you hit the right place.

Ten or more years ago, when I was about 16 years old I started to draw and draw untill a comicsschool came in my town. I have been in that school for three years untill my "Chef" told mesomething like "You are ready to find your way..".

I really learned a lot of things and I discovered a new world.. still today, after years, my eyesshine in front of new things to learn!!
If you mind go and check some of my pitcures in my gallery.. they speak for me!!

If you want to contact me, mail me at

[email protected]

or just use MySpace messages.



In more than ten years I have collected lot of draws and enough experience to build up on a pieceof paper everything my mind is mumbling. This is pretty funny when you have to make somethingreally simple. At moment I wish to have more time to spend to make some serious illustrations.. andI hope it will happen when I'll get my second graduate in Biotec ò_ò

Paint & Modelism

Have you ever heard about Warhammer 40K!? Well I have 4 Armies and more than painted 300miniatures.. but I stopped to paint when I realized than I had to use my time in other ways (LikeStudy, Work etc.. ah Life..).


I have played lot of RPGs (Role Play Game) but nothing is like Dungeons And Dragons!! Still now,after seven years, me and my friends are playing the same Campaign Setting.. our Master is hot!!!

Oh yes!! Gym makes your body a godlike weapon able to perform everything!!! It is Awesome!! I havedone it for three or four years and I have to say thanks for how it builded me up in body and mind.


After completing my Gym training, I started to do Ju-Jitsu. It is a great Martial, and at the sametime, Sport Discipline. Because of my Gym Past~Experience, I started soon my agonist careerreaching, in the end, two times the 1st place in acrobatic national competitions and one time the1st place in fighting system national competitions. Raaaawhrr!!! I'm Hot!!! hehe


I'm a great anime fan! I love all Miyazaki Works, his mind is a gift of God for the human kind!!


lot of things to say the true, but I like to not remind me what I dislike.. So in the end, if you really want to know it.. just find and ask me.. oh, right.. "Non mi stressate con storie deprimenti.. io sto bene così" that sounds like "I'm happyenough to stay here and listen to yours depressing stories"


There is MUSIC and MUSIC, there is one for each time. If the Music is The Ocean, how can I explainyou which drop I like!?..

This is one of the few song I use to sing when.. nobody is around me. Thanks Frank:

(Fly me to the moon) Fly me to the moon Let me sing among those stars Let me see what spring is like On jupiter and marsIn other words, hold my hand In other words, baby kiss meFill my heart with song Let me sing for ever more You are all I long for All I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true In other words, I love you
This french guy is amazing =) so I'll put his main site here:

Arthur de Pins Site

Again a Little Tribute To Reon Kadena (aka Minamo Kusano):


By Luke: "Il segreto per essere infelici è avere abbastanza tempo per preoccuparsi se si è felici o meno."
By Einstein: "Se vuoi una vita felice, devi dedicarla a un obiettivo, non a delle persone o a delle cose. "
Kraus, Karl: "Artista è soltanto chi sa fare della soluzione un enigma."
Bufalino, Gesualdo: "E se Dio avesse inventato la morte per farsi perdonare la vita?"
Karr, Alphonse: "Tutti vogliono avere un amico, nessuno si occupa d'essere un amico."
Leonardo da Vinci: "Riprendi l'amico in segreto e lodalo in palese."
Morandotti Alessandro: "L'uomo possiede la capacità di distinguere tra bene e male e la facoltà di non tenerne conto. "
Bernasconi, Ugo: "Odiare - è dar troppa importanza all'odiato."
Ennio cit. in Cicerone: "Si odia chi si teme [Quem metuunt, oderunt]. "
Pavese, Cesare: "Chi odia non è mai solo: è in compagnia dell'essere che gli manca."
Voltaire: "Ho interrogato la mia ragione; le ho domandato che cosa essa sia: questa domanda l'ha sempre confusa."

This is a little work done for my Community: Baccanasta and our D&D Blog .Enjoy the Movie! Otherwise you can watch it from here.(Weight about 3Megas, if you see nothing that means our Baccanasta Server is down for Manteinence)


So here my PICS SPOT about Me, my Works and my Friends!!

If you don't like to wait you can see them here.



    The Best Acrobatic Tricks =) Honestly one of those things that I love to watch ..and make +_+ .
    Samurai Champloo is a really cool anime =), a nice story, cool sword fightings and good music too.
    Utada Hikaru - Passion. Well.. all I can say is: She is Beautifull, with a nice voice.. all in agood interesting Video.


    She is the Best with the Violin, her name is Vanessa Mae .
    Ilaria Graziano - Pearls. She is a really nice vocalist and she worked for several japanese anime~movies with Yoko Kannolike Ghost in The Shell or Cowboy Bebop.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

..Il giapponese e se non l'aveste capito ancora:

Reon Kaneda!!

A dire il vero non mi dispiacerebbe fare quattro chiacchiere con molti illustratori o designers daiquali ottengo continuamente spunti.. In primis sicurante il grande maestro

Hayao Miyazaki
.. ma sai, considerando che sono sparsi per tutto il mondo dovrei prima passare in banca per fareuna rapina e poi...

My Blog

Prova scena 3 Kiki

Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 05:24:00 GMT

Scena 4 Kiki

Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 01:54:00 GMT

Intro di Kiki

Ci son ancora alcune cose da mettere a posto v_v... diverse.. ma con calma tutto si aggiusta!! :D
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 10:54:00 GMT

Domande e Risposte

NOME:EnricoSOPRANNOME:NinjaANNI?tendendi al 27DATA DI NASCITA?9 x 9 = 81 (ha senso usata la logica)SEGNO ZODIACALE?Virgo (.. tiè!!! come eludere banali battute)HAI SORELLE O FRATELLI?siDI CHE COLORE ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 15:00:00 GMT

Test Psicologico

Uhuh vediamo quello che 68 semplici domande estrapolano dalla mia mente perversa ò_ò: From altamira.itQuesto tipo estroverso basa la sua vita ed attività sui principi del pensiero. è quindi una person...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 15:00:00 GMT

..ah LItalia..

L'occhio mi cade sulla mia TV accesa anche se priva di volume. MTV.. il solito programma di Fabio Volo. Oddio.. 'solito', di gente pagata per andare a fare il turista in giro per il mondo (che culo)...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:00:00 GMT

Touch My Soul by mayuko

Touch My Soul vol.1~5 by mayuko ..Aggiungi al mio profilo | Altri ò_òdovrò fare anch'io qualcosa del genere argh!!.. non appena scappo dall'Università (finalmente) ad Ottobre!...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:00:00 GMT