Soccer, snowboarding, surfing, currently not able to do some of the things but will again some day.
People that like to have a good time and eat a lot of food. I feel that if you are into your food then you know who you are.
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Basically I like Punk, always have. I am not one of those girls that think the singer is hot and goes to shows dressed up like a doll hoping that i will get one look from the singer that would probable only what to hook up with you for one night. I'm there for the music!! Love Green Day, Rancid, Rise aginst, and so on. Been going to shows since seventh grade. But has been a while since teh last show.
The only GREAT movies are the cartoons!!!
Television would mean nothing with out cartoons, but every once and a while I like to watch the "clich" shows, you know Seventh Heven, Everwood, That 70's Show, and things like that.
Do not think I ever finished one
You can never go wronge with the Grams. RIP