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Agere viros ex eorum mentibus amo.

About Me

It's 11:33 on a Thursday night and I'm listening to Alice in Chains while shedding chains of my own. I've thrown my hat into the proverbial ring, and have thus created this "myspace" profile. I really never thought that anyone read or looked at these profiles, but like everything else, I justify it as a business venture. A social writeoff and excuse for flaunting myself and what others have called my "talent". Decide for yourselves-sometimes it's a talent, sometimes its a curse. Anyone who's ever made an attempt to pursue a dream can identify with the aforementioned statement. It's a creative career--something you do to satisfy the need to manifest outside yourself your thoughts, your style, and your addictions. You have the ambition and audacity to make tangible what was once abstract, and put your USDA seal of approval on whatever it is that stands before you. When one calls themselves an artist, they tread a fine line beteween masochist and megalomaniac--in your godlike way you create from earth a concept that was once air, and send it out to "say something", to be the phyiscal projection of your already physical self. And in the back of your mind you can't forget that this one might just be your coup de gras--set for life. Rather than making art your language, why can't you just learn to speak the native tongue? I have yet to break the language barrier..... Now to the usual stuff:
My Art: "L.A. lady, seamstress for the band..." I'm a seamstress and costumer looking for a band to go on the road with, either designing or merely maintaing an existing wardrobe. The two loves of my life are travel and music, and my art is meant to serve them. The megalomanical part of my artistic self wants to forever immortalize my work ..uloid, so I'd like to do a music video or period film (what seems to be a specialty of mine)
Current Work: Space Aliens? Jihad? Santa?
My job: Like any artist, my work isn't paying the bills so you're just gonna have to come by and rent some Eames chairs. And a settee. with throw pillows....and a space laser. cuz you can do that.
Interests: Travel, Photography, Music, Art, Literature, Going out, Meeting new and interesting folk.

My Interests


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My Blog

Where Will I Be?

Interesting question! I'm writing a blog on my sidekick too since it seems my laptop is bent on world domination by way of not turning on. Imagine the devastation of things not turning on, yes, in b...
Posted by aja on Sun, 03 Aug 2008 11:14:00 PST

Every honest girl should have a Game Show buzzer.

  So Sunday...the 7th day that the Lord gave to you as your official day to kick back and take it easy.  Depending on what faith you subscribe to, this may be a Friday or Saturday thing....b...
Posted by aja on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:24:00 PST

a day for reminiscing (and not spelling either)

for whatever reason i was reminded of some of the random music/electronica i used to listen to in college.  So i did a "Where are they now?" of VAST, Delerium, and Robert Miles among others. ...
Posted by aja on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 01:18:00 PST

Working at Modern is the Greatest Thing Ever

I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone how great my job really is.  Definately well worth all the drama I put up with the past few years at jobs that pretty much suck six ways to...
Posted by aja on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:13:00 PST

thoughts while killing time and wine at the rainbow!

So I'm having a glass of wine at the rainbow.....I originally was going to meet a friend here, but they're down at the cat club seeing the starfuckers. I'm planning on heading down that way as soon a...
Posted by aja on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 02:05:00 PST

karaoke night or why the meatheads seem to like unoriginal and craptacular songs.

So far it seems that tonights highlights consist of seeing my good friends, shoping, and the snl clip of natalie portman throwing down rhymes NWA style. Has anyone ever nitoced that the dudes who jus...
Posted by aja on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 12:43:00 PST

Why working near venice is awesome or why "mercy street" is the best song with the worst video

I really have to fix this issue with my computer and not being able to get to my blog.....I was all prepared to write something profound last night and couldn't....I'll try and remember some of it but...
Posted by aja on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 11:46:00 PST

back to it....

Ok so now i have a lunch break and continue my previous thought......So yes, what exactly have we cultivated in our American sense of humor?  It's my opinion that sarcasm and satire have bee...
Posted by aja on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 05:09:00 PST

15 minutes to talk about comedic decay....

I'm sure we all remember timed writing exercises from our years in school....some of you may be forced to continue the tradition in the form of undergrad or graduate study.  Or you're just litera...
Posted by aja on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 10:44:00 PST

a meditation on things not quite different....

thank goodness for the absense of cable.....otherwise id continue to hide behind the wool over my eyes.  for in fact dear reader, i have come to a revelation that will not only prove transformati...
Posted by aja on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 05:16:00 PST