>Click< Play below to listen to The Six 9s - Q/5 interview.-- <><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><> <><><>><><>><>< ><><><><><><>Be in "The Six 9s" calender! The Six 9s will be accepting photos from models, fans and aspiring models for thier up and coming calender. The hopes are to release a calender along with the up and coming debut cd. Were looking for stylish yet sexy singles and group shots that appease to the music and style of The Six 9's. All photos will be considered by that style and originality/creativeness. Please, no contracts or photos that have been previously printed in any commercial forum.The Six 9s would prefer pics to include music instuments (guitar, bass, drums), but this is not a must. Style and originality are of the up most importance.Please send any photos that you would like "The Six 9's" to consider for thier calender/CD release to: [email protected]