a bright day in the yeah of 2006 ran revah (vocals and rythem guitar) and ido polleg (lead guitar and background vocals) talk about music stayls and wanted to form a band which was called black&White later on was changed to TraGos
the found a drummer (gal gomma) and a bassist (noam rabina) a few months
later gal left the band for unknown resons, the band looked for another drummer (noam salingra) a year later noam rabina moved to a heavy metal band and the band found another bassist (ben dulowski) whom just left his formmer band right after ben juined TraGos noam salingra left and his reaon
that the bands songs was all about love.. well no fear since ben knew a good
drummer from a formmer band he was in he told ran and ido about omer primat
and the talked and omer juined TraGos. that is how The TraGos you know was formed..
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