Yvette a.k.a don't freind request w/o a messag profile picture

Yvette a.k.a don't freind request w/o a messag

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

PLEASE NO FRIEND REQUESTs WITHOUT A WUSSUP OR UNLESS WE NO EACHOTHER!!!!!!!What's up MySpace the name is Yvette. I'm back from explroying the world and now getting settled with my HUSBAND. I do plan to travel several more. For all you people who would like to be added as my friend just, forget it. A simple hello might earn your way to being my lil myspace friend. Im not a mean person but, I would hate to add a person im probably never going to hear from and i don't want a bunch of people on my list i can't remember. ((((( GOT IT))))).Back to me Im sweet, fun and love to laugh. As you can see traveling is part of my occupation and I enjoy learning about different cultures. I love sports but, not as much as I use to. Never really have the time to get back into them. All in All im pretty simple and easy to get along with. Just give me a holla and u'll see =D

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

~~~At least 1 Person from every country~~~~ Open to learning about different cultures

adopt your own virtual pet!.._ _ _ _ _ _ _   

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365 Flash Games

My Blog


People of MySpace, this is a first for me... blogging that is.  I just have to get this out my system cus I could not believe what I was reading.I received this friend request on facebook.  I'm a nice...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Sep 2009 20:42:00 GMT