because of u....Life is Good profile picture

because of u....Life is Good

its lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and i believe in myself.

About Me

this video gets me pumped out of my skin.... damn, if this video interests you, we definatley need to talk. message me and i will give you further info, this company has changed my life.well im a short mexican, im 5'7, im 20 years young and have alot planned in the next 3-5 years. and i mean ALOT. so be on the look out. lol. i graduated in 05 from corona high, then i went to universal technical institute. wasted over 20k dollars. and left there with nothing but the student loans. then i joined the workforce. lol as a ford technician. and made no money, well some, but never enough. now ive gotten myself into sales/marketing wich i think is the best income generating industry to get into. i feel like sales and marketing have changed my life so much in the past 3-4 months. im a totally different person with a totally different mindset. i just wish that my close friends would be in on it with me. but u can never change any one. u can lead a horse to water, but u cant make him drink. but anyways. thats a little about me.

My Interests

interests? hmm, i have alot of them, cars, streetbikes, network marketing/multi level marketing. makin money, gettin rich bitch. i also enjoy taking long drives to places ive never been before, also like takin long rides on my street bike. and of course just hang out with good friends and just enjoy a good beer or drink with them.

I'd like to meet:

i would like to meet jerry ballah. and im so thankful to have met tim herr and mr pat johnson.Sean Gardhouse.---untill we meet again.


rap/hip hop oldies/ 80's, mostly everything


not a big movie watcher.


not a big tv person


muscle mustangs and fast fords, 5.0 mustangs and superfords. anything by james c maxwell and jim rohn.


my heros are my parents for bring me up the way i am. and for not always letting me do whatever i wanted when i was a kid. for not letting me go out every night with my older friends. for not every letting me drink in front of them, not not setting bad examples.for not always giving me everything i wanted and for teaching me how to get the things i wanted. not just handing them to me, and showing me what things are worth. and for teaching me to be who i am today.

My Blog

dear god

Dear God               we all know i just got a street bike, we all know their dangerous, extremeley....please take care of me, please watch ...
Posted by because of u....Life is Good on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 11:48:00 PST