SELWAY profile picture


About Me

first of all u might allready have a selway in your freinds but that was my old page and sum 1 hacked into it so just delete it and add this 1... sweet well im selway im 20 and half aboriginal,half maori my mum is from nowra on the south coast shes a stuart and a brown,and my dad is from te-teko Newzealand he a Elliot and a selway,im a artist also a beet maker and kinda a producer,my main like in music is hiphop all though i dont mind any kind(i dont hate i appreciate)i like to make music that has meaning but i also like makin crunk jams,i reside from NEWCASTLE and rep it hard, im currently in a crew called e.c.p EAST COAST PRODUCTIONS with my man em-see punish aka punish one,we have one cd called ONE DREAM and currently working on a new one(name unkown yet) were allways down for collabs,gigs and helping other upcoming artist out.we stay true to our style and will never forget were we come from, SHOUT OUTS= PUNISH ONE, GC PRINCE, OPPASYDE,YOUNG NOOKY, STREET WARRIORS, LAST KONNECTION, DJ ENCORE, JAY-T, PREMS, KR, ESC, BLACK OUT, KEEZY, BROTHER BLACK, 6POUND, WIRE, RCE, YOUNG WARRIORS, BELSTIZZLE, my besties J POYNTER and J SKINNER,ALL MY SOLIERS AND ALL MY GIRLS anyways check my songs, add me, coment me and check the e.c.p page out if u got time add me on msn if u got it [email protected] peace selway 1......... Myspace Layout

My Interests


Member Since: 24/05/2008
Band Members:
Record Label: Unsigned

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