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The F Troop TV show was a situation comedy series about a Private who is given a field promotion to Captain and given command of Fort Courage. The problem is that he got his promotion and command because he accidentally "saved the day" when he led a cavalry charge in the wrong direction. That pretty much continues to be the theme of the show throughout the series run. Captain Parmenter keeps goofing up and comes out smelling like a rose.Cast Members: Ken Berry .............. Captain Wilton Parmenter Forrest Tucker ......... Sergeant Morgan O'Rourke Larry Storch ........... Corporal Randolph Agarn Melody Patterson ....... Wrangler Jane James Hampton .......... Trooper Hannibal Dobbs Joe Brooks ............. Trooper Vanderbilt Bob Steele ............. Trooper Duffy Frank DeKova ........... Chief Wild Eagle Don Diamond ............ Crazy Cat

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