angie profile picture


About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts .byAlecia. Myspace LayoutsI love swimming in natural bodies of water.No one looks good in a popped collar. You look like a moron. I hate muscles. So that picture of your abs in a mirror? Dosn't interest me. I have been a vegetarian for 12 years. I am still trying to find my niche in life. I have yet to find a place I feel I belong. I dream of living in a tree house, with nothing but trees and flowers and water around me. Maybe a beach of sorts. I want to live in a different country for at least a year of my life. Most likely New Zealand. I dream of bigger and better things; and want to live anything but a typical life. I am not stuck in High school, and long to meet other people that have heard; and listened to that little voice inside themselves telling them to move on. I am not fueled by gossip; and if you lack the maturity and respect to feed off of rumors and shit talking, without as much as considering the other side of the fence; I want nothing to do with you. I despise drama. I will shut down and completely ignore you if you even so much as attempt to complicate my life with that petty bullshit. All I want is to find genuine, compassionate, loyal people to surround myself with. I drink a lot. I have no shame. I don’t mind if you do drugs; but keep it to your god damn self. Drug experience does not impress, much less stimulate me. I do not want to hear about that time you were fucked up, the next time you’ll be fucked up, how you wish you were fucked up, or how crazy fucked up you currently are. I think bragging about drug use is ridiculous; and quite sad at that. I am very, very pro-gay rights. Love comes in all forms; and if two people love each other, you have no right to tell them that it is unacceptable, let alone sinful. That may be your belief, but it should hold no power on those whom have no relevance to you. I have OCD, and you probably annoy me. I belch all the time, and don't care if you think it's gross. I can quote the Simposns on cue. It makes me want to cry when I see animals that have to cross over paved roads; or parking lots. We owe them so much more respect then we give them. I love, love, love camping. I am incredibly grateful I was raised a camper, and feel at home sitting around a fire, holding a beer. Being covered in mud, reeking of campfire, un-showered, surrounded by bugs, with no running water or television may seem repulsive to you, but it is heaven to me. I will kick your ass in horseshoes. I am not much for sweets, but I would eat your face, should it be made of cheese enchiladas. I am terrified of lobsters. If I won a million dollars, first thing I would do is buy my tree house. Then, I would blow the rest on more tattoos, booze, and strippers. I love Halloween, and would dress up every day if I was rich. When it all comes down to it, I just want to be able to say “hell yeah; what a ride!” when it’s all over. Oh; and for being classified as a goth in high school; I am petrified of death. Music and love fuel my life. Without either, I would be nothing.

My Blog

Naperville invades Chicago

A very sweaty night at the Shangie Shack.Stop Staring&It's a tick bite, jerk!!!Dave really likes his beer.Not as much as Christian, though!Lookin WAY less drunk than he actually wasThe person standing...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 00:45:00 GMT

Wedding Pictures!!!

RehersalThis was my partner. He was much shorter than me. Pre-gameHey look! Shangie's in a church!Me mama:Rehearsal Dinner (at Giordano's Pizza)One last shot at being single siblingsMe familia: Mi amo...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 21:17:00 GMT

D.E.M.F. 2007 Pictures!

D.E.M.F. 2007. (For all you DEMF virgins, that's Detroit Electronic Music Festival) Be mad you weren't there. SATURDAY!Our lovely view from our Detroit hotel window.Becky is afraid of non- twist off c...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 00:14:00 GMT

Shangie's 1 year & St. Patty's Day Pictures!!!

Shangie's 1 year anniversary!!! Yayy!!!! My awesome new skirt. Shane treated us to a shopping spree at Salvation Army. I, for one, couldn't have been happier.Sooo Myspace it hurts! Annnnd my awesome n...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 19:12:00 GMT

Soozy and I should get paid to drink.

Shangie at Soozy'sMe and my best galSoozy & SieloffLook! That cat never takes her eyes of me. She wants to fucking kill me! Peek-a-boo!The boys plotting something devious&&They were caughtDrunk againH...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 22:10:00 GMT

Hardcastle's and Valentine's Day

Friday night at Hardcastle'sOld friends. You gave him WHAT??!!! Haha. Hahaha. A very inebriated Shane. He got off the train drunk! Haha. Shaikat I wanna dance!Hahaha. This reminds me of the "goth kid ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 22:02:00 GMT

Come share my world.

Bellies full of ridiculously delicious Italian food. Makes for a happy Shangie. Digital cameras give you a reason to get endless amounts of kissies!! I The creatures of th Shedd AquariumApparently the...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 19:33:00 GMT

Don't be a fucking coward. I need to settle this shit.

I am going crazy in my own head. I'm at this stage where I have no fucking clue where mostly everything in my life stands. My perception of my relationships with others is completely warped. I have k...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 22:24:00 GMT

Pig Roast Pictures (Part 1)

This is the most important place in my life. Growing up surrounded by these people, and this environment, means the world to me. Not many children are blessed with such a wonderful opportunity to grow...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 01:04:00 GMT

Pig Roast Pictures (Part 2)

It's Saturday night at the Pig Roast. Time to fucking party, time to dance, Time for good tunes (honors done by my father; his nephew (and best friend), Kris; and his life long friend and bandmate, Jo...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 00:44:00 GMT