This scene is dying at a fast and steady pace. It seems to have fallen into a downward spiral, plummeting for an emanate doom of crashing into the ground and exploding in a grotesque display of body parts and blood everywhere. The smell of burning flesh rises to the air as a thick black smoke consumes the sky and blacks out the sun… If that were the case, I’m sure a lot of us would have no problem with it; but the truth is its being taken over by fashion, sweet hair, skinny pants, and petty fights over whose crew is the T-U-F-Fest. It’s pretty much all bullshit.Well there’s a small few of us that think it can be changed. That this scene can do a complete 180 and head back for the way things once were. A place to go and just hang out, feel completely at ease, and get away from the rest of society. A place where you could go and see friends; no not even just friends, but family. It was a brotherhood, a bloodline, a fellowship, even a small society in its own. There was no petty bickering and fighting over who’s band is sweeter, hair is cooler, guyliner is better, or junk is bigger their chick pants.
That’s what this is all about. Representing your true colors and standing up for what you believe in. Building a stronger unity between everyone involved. Who cares if you’re a metal head, hardcore kid, indy kid, goth raver, screamo, emo, fat, skinny, tall, short, gay, straight, black, white, brown, or yellow; come out and support the music you love. Buy the locals merch, buy their CDs, give them the tips, and support anything and everything that is truly interested in bettering what we have going. Believe in something people and have faith in what we’ve got. Sometimes each other is all we have in the world and each and every one of you knows that. Take some fucking pride in what you have. You’re the reason this scene sucks, change it!
First and foremost, we are going to try to keep you up to date a little on local bands. I know that there are starting to be more and more little bands that pop up every so often and then fall apart weeks later. We'll try to let you know about those little failures no one noticed. On top of that, we'll interview locals from time to time and see what their views are on current situations and what not.Also, we'll try to interview and bands of particular interest that may be hitting Louisville on their tours. You know, get deep into their personal lives and answer the questions all of you have wanted to ask but have never mustered up the courage to do.
We'll also be featuring the "Dear Bucky" which is a play on the Dear Abby in larger periodicals, in which Bucky will answer your problems with is plethora of advice. I know, I know it's Bucky, right? Well he's actually got the words you want to hear.
Along with those we're going to try CD reviews, show reviews, venue reviews, musicians exchange, letters from the editors, maybe some comics, and other feature articles. It's all going to be good times, I promise you that. So keep an eye out for new blogs and updates. Pick up an issue when they're released.
YOUR HELP!!! We're looking for anyone with experience in writing, editing, graphics, or anything of the sort. We're also looking for people that are dedicated and willing to work under deadlines knowing they will receive no monetary gain for their time. This is all strictly volunteer work.If you have no experience, HAVE NO FEAR, we need all you guys to post the banners everywhere. Spread the word about this. We're trying to make this thing the pride of Louisville and want you're help to do it. Actually we NEED your help to do it. This will not work without the support of each and every single one of you that read this. Do your part to keep this scene alive.
Also, a little donation would help. You can find out PayPal donate button located conveniently to the left at the bottom!