mountain biking, poker, and lazing -_-
almost anyone with an open mind who isn't lethargic, to have a good time I tend to need some energy to feed off of as strange as it sounds
meshuggah, zao, everytime i die, placebo, the cure, the pixies, dillinger escape plan, tck, helen of troy, spirit of vers., the red light sting....and thousands more
donnie darko, pulp fiction, req. for a dream, thirteen, dawn of the dead, army of darkness, gladiator, braveheat, nightmare before christmas, casino ::shrugs::
sealab,futurama,aqua teen,family guy and thats about it
finially put an end to my sci-fi addiction now reading whatever catches my eye at bookstores usually sociology or philo related books -_-
chris riorden aka "the wig" and of course myself...