I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)Deadly Mosh je nastao kao cover bend najpoznatijih heavy i thrash/speed metal bendova.U tom periodu bend nije imao ime vec je samo svirao obrade u nepotpunom sastavu.Tada su u bendu bili Nikola Slavkovic(bas),Jovan Komnenic(Gitara) i Bora Petrovic(Bubanj).Tek kasnije u aprilu 2008-e godine u bend ulazi Andrija Grozdanovic na mesto druge gitare a za njim i Stosic Milos(Sarcophag,Satara) kao vokal.Bend ubrzo odluchuje da svira iskljuchivo speed metal i thrash metal obrade a i da krene sa autorskim radom.Bend je trebao da se zove Intoxication,pa potom Warmonger ali zbog toga shto su vec postojali bendovi sa ovim imenom,ceo bend se odluchuje za ime Deadly Mosh shto u prevodu znachi Smrtonosna Shutka.Ubrzo se krece sa autorskim radom i uspeshno se zavrshavaju 4 pesme Fuck Holy War,Deadly Mosh,Suck My Balls i Straight to Hell koje je bend hteo da promovishe kao samostalno izdanje pod nazivom Fuck Holy War ali ove 4 pesme izlaze kao EP na split izdanju sa Pollutionovim(Nova Pazova) demo snimkom Our Way pod nazivom Deadly Pollution za Terror Blast iz Makedonije.Ubrzo zatim bend napushta Andrija zbog toga shto se privremeno seli u Beograd da bi studirao,a na njegovo mesto dolazi Dushan(Gitara)koji je do tada svirao u Metallica tribute bendu The Others.The Others se raspada a Dushan ulazi u bend i bend ubrzo krece da radi na novim pesmama.Dushan Velichkovic je napustio Deadly Mosh a u bend se vraca originalni gitarista Andrija Grozdanovic,tako da ce Deadly Mosh ponovo biti u prvobitnoj postavi!!!Uskoro bend ulazi u studio da snima novi materijal a 9 avgusta ce posle dugo vremena Deadly MOsh svirati u Kragujevcu.
Bend se vraca starom zvuku i sa originalnom postavom,planiraju se svirke za leto i promocija novog materijala....
Zbog nesuglasica bend je napustio Nikola Skullcrusher Slavkovic a na njegovo mesto doshao je Aleksandar RapidBastard Milutinovic!
Bend je izbacio novi EP The Blind Leads The Blind i split album sa makedonski bendom Warnament pod nazivom Labeled To Confront!
< Split Album - Deadly Pollution
The Blind Leads The Blind EP
Split Album - Labeled To Confront
English Version:Deadly Mosh originated as the cover band of the most fomous heavy and thrash/speed metal bands. In that time the band didn't have a name, it only played arrangements in incomplete composition. Nikola Slavkovoc (bass guitar), Jovan Komnenic (guitar) and Bora Petrovic (drums) were members in that time. Later, in April 2008, Andria Grozdanovic joins band (2nd guitar), and with him Stosic Milos (Sarcophag, Satara), as singer. Band soon desides to play onlu speed and trash metal arrangements, and to stars with it's own author's work. The name should be Intoxication, then Warmonger, but since there were already bands wiht those names, band chooses name Deadly Mosh.They soon begin with author's work and successfully finish four songs: Fuck Holly War, Deadly Mosh, Suck my balls ans Straight to Hell, which band wanted to promote as independent edition, by the name of Fuck Holly War, but these songs were published as EP onthe split edition with Pollution's demo Our way, named deadlly Pollution for Terror Blast from Macedonia. Andria soon leaves the band, because of his temporary movement to Belgrade for studies. Dusan (guitar), who played in metallica Tribute band The Others, replaces him very soon. The Others falls apart, and Dushan joins the band, and the work on tne new songs begins soon. At the moment, they have 5 more songs finished: 2000 Years of Decay,See No Evil-Hear No Evil,Hellsound,Judgment Day i Priestkiller.
Band enters the studio soon, to start recording their first long-olaying album, that sould be published on the summer 2009. Band will soon record another 2 songs that will represent comercial material that will follow. Thrash 'till death!!The Blind Leads The Blind EP is out now and band still looking for label.The entire album will be recorded in june 2010.
Split album with macedonian thrash metal band Warnament is out now!Labeled To Confront!!!
New bass player is Aleksandar Milutinovic Rapidbastard!