I read thousands of books, mostly of the hard sf persuasion or girly books that I borrow off of people at work. I also take photos as much as possible, which isn't much since I'm terminally shy. As well, I play a mean guitar (as Roger Waters might have put it in, oh, 1975) and write a pretty tasty song, if you like your songs tasting like bittersweet tears or the sky over lake Alberta- which is in Washington, of all places.
Girls with glasses =) Otherwise, people who are witty and funny so that I don't have to work so damn hard all the time. But not too witty- I totally hate it when I come across as being an idiot because I'm hanging out with someone way smarter than me. This tends to happen a lot during cultural conversations, since I am perhaps the least culturally-enlightened person on the entire planet and Beverly Hills. There should be an award for that...I guess being culturally blind is its own reward, really.
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Many people seem to believe that my favourite movie is the Empire Strikes Back. If favourite meant mentioned first on myspace, they'd be right. However, I just looked it up and that is in fact _not_ what favourite means. I think you can tell a lot about someone by their favourite movie- from the second I first saw it, mine has been Lost In Translation. Take from that what you will. I also do dearly adore Indiana Jones and Star Wars for their fun and adventure, Blade Runner for its vision, and The Right Stuff for telling what my life would have been if I had been born in 1945 and had 20/20 vision. I'll tell you another secret... Yes, it's true... I have a copy of Josie and the Pussycats in my meagre collection. I just thought I'd say that so that you didn't think that I'm too serious. And, you can ask my old roommate how that movie is- I've never seen him laugh so hard as when I made him watch it =)
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I don't have cable, so this is slim pickins for me... However, I cannot help but be transfixed by Family Guy every Sunday. I am barely worthy. Also, though it is barfingly hip I'm a big fan of Space Ghost and Aquateen Hunger Force. So I like quality television with big budget special effects more than six frames of animation. And actual human actors. So sue me already.
Again, a tough category. Dune can never be knocked from its high tower at this point... It may not be my favourite book any more, but it is the best book I've read and that's final. I've recently really enjoyed Vonnegut's Bluebeard and Coupland's Miss Wyoming. As well, Neil Stephenson is a god on earth and Snow Crash, Count Zero, and Cryptonomicon are incredible. I'm getting sick of Greg Bear- sorry, buddy. I'm tired of waiting for CJ Cherryh to finish her goddamn series. AND I'm tired of waiting for Jack Whyte, for that matter (**edit: Jack Whyte has now finished the series, and I'm no longer tired of waiting - thank you**). That being said, Whyte's Dream of Eagles series is my only foray into fantasy, and it doesn't really count as it's more historical fiction. And I like it. And I liked Confessions of a Shopaholic too, okay, and I'm not sorry. Not even a little bit. These aren't tears. The interview is over.
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My heroes are few and far between, and not really very good heroes in all. It's not like any of them are MLK or something. Basically, my heroes are Bono for his activism, Gilmour for his music, Bill Murray for his wit, and Kurt Vonnegut for still doing his job even though he's old and tired. Bravo, sir.