Member Since: 24/05/2008
Band Members: Karsten -- guitars + vocals
I am always interested in collaborations with
other musicians, so if you have a good line,
lyrics or something let me know!I need your creativity!!!Let's work together. :)
Guests:voice & words in "bare bones" by Kalshi (St. Paul, Minnesota)
beats in "el ritmo loco" by basto beats (Hamburg)---------------------------------------------------
contact me:
mail: [email protected]
icq: 200368523,
msn: [email protected]
Influences: Meine musikalischen Einflüsse kommen größtenteils
aus Rock, Pop und Blues.
Einzelne Interpreten sind da schwer zu benennen.Hört rein, vielleicht gefällt es euch ja.
My musical influences are rock, pop and blues.
Several artists are difficult to tell. ;)Listen, maybe you'll like it.
Mis influencias musicales son rock, pop y blues, Algunos artistas son dificiles de definir. Escucha, puede que te guste...
Sounds Like: pure Leidenschaft
Record Label: Ohne Vertrag
Type of Label: Unsigned