Hi my name is alexis i hate talkikng about my self so there isnt much too say other than i am with the most greatsest guy eveer and he is hot and beautiful and wonderful and funny and sweet and i cant thank God enough for bringing him into my life I love him so much.He is my world my i doont know were i would be without him i dont know how i would live without him he is my everthing and more i love him with all my heart and soul. I cant say im cool but my friends call me a loser which means im awesome because thats how they express their love too me and they say im weird which means im fun too be with i love them. ok i realy dont care i fu add me i hate my space any way but yea lol.
Alexis you've changed my life. You make me feel good. Special. Loved. And I'm very glad me and you are together. I'm glad I get to see you everyday. And i'm glad I know you. You are funny, beautiful, dorky, hot, loveable, crazy, cool, and everything i want. We have so many memories, inside jokes, we eat together, spend everyday together, me and you are considered inseperable. You are the love of my life. You are my girlfriend. You are my best friend. Me and you will be together forever. I love you.
8/11/06-the end of time