First off I am NOT Joey Matthews. This is strictly a fan page for him. I started this page as a way for us fans to show Joey how much we care about him. I will keep this page as up to date as possible. It is my intent to make Joey proud with this page. I don't want this to be like all the other pages. We all know Joey's history. So I'm not going to start out that way.We need to focus on his future not his past. I will start out with a speech that Joey gave earlier this year when he made his ROH return.*****************************************************
*********"I have had all I wanted of a lot of things that I had. And a whole hell of a lot more then I needed of a lot of things that turned out bad. This man that the wrestling public dispises is the same guy who fought tooth and nail for 9 1/2 years off the independents and into a sold out Madison Square Garden.Where he became a bonifided superstar in the wrestling industry. And at that point I realized the truth. That instead of catering to you, I should just drop tro so you could kiss my beautiful white butt. With that arrogance, with that prestige,with that success also came the labels. "Joey has personal issues. Joey had insermountable demons. Joey showed up in no condition to perform time and time again." I...I fell from grace. Instead of letting my demons defeat me,I beat them the hell off of me. And I'm standing on my own 2 feet today clean and sober. I turned that guy who was getting beat downby the demons from another wrestling cliche,"dead in a hotel room,died too young,gone too soon" and I'm turning him into comeback of the year."
All I can say to that speech is Joey we support you. We are so proud of you.
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