.:.d♥nCeLLA.:. profile picture


**REACTION + SIMPLICITY** If my CURVES give you motion sickness...my SMILE supplies CURES... img src

About Me

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What makes me me, it's a misconception, a vast deception Somethings gotta change Dont be offended this is all my opinion Just Beautiful!! What makes me weak? My fears. What makes me whole? My God. What keeps me standing? My faith. What makes me compassionate? My selflessness. What makes me honest? My integrity. What sustains my mind? My quest for knowledge. What teaches me all lessons? My mistakes. What lift's my head high? My pride. What if I can't go on? Not an option. What makes me victorious? My courage. What makes me competent? My confidence. What makes me sensual? My insatiable essence. What makes me beautiful? My everything. What makes me a woman? My heart. Who says I need love? I do. What empowers me? My God & Me.©Me_2006
SOY un FrEShMAn AT eL pREStIGOuS steTson uNIVERSIty. i SPEaK 3 LaNgUAgEs y uNDeRSTaND 4( eSPAnOL, ENGLiSh, Ja'GoN, PaTOiS) i BELIeVe tHaT ThE quALItY of ONE'S LIFe DePENDs oN tHEMSeLves. I AM A CHRISTIAN! WHo rECENTLY DIscoVErEd hOw a foRGivE. i nO BElIeVe iN dEgRaDAtiOn, y tOdo es AbOut REALITY. TrISte, pERo yo permita solAmENTe a GenTE a rESPeCt mI miNd, pOrQUe pHySIcAL bEauTy sOlO hAs aN EpHeMERaL mOmENt. i' M NIcE tO EveRyonE, y i RemeMBEr EVeRYThInG. Me enCaNtA EmbracIng lIfe CoN todo el joy yo TenGO! I EXPRess MYsELf tHrOugH PoETRy ANd ARt. sOY iNFAtuATeD CON WORds y fAScInATed BY iNDiVIduaLiTy. I'M sWeeT peRO Yo ProMeSa tu dO nOt QiErAS vEr ME biTtEr


watta gwan_♥

My Interests

.:.Mi Pride.:.



Name: ~*dOnCELlA*~
Birthdate: 18 dE JuLIo
Birthplace: lA REPUbLICA dE PANaMa
Current Location: mO BAy!!!!!
Eye Color: hAZel
Hair Color: bLaCk
Height: 5'7"
Weight: VoLuPtuOuS! tHIck Coke BoTtlE!
Piercings: 4
Tatoos: pReTTy gIRLs dOn'T MANIPuLAtE THEIR bODiEs
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Mi bInKy hE kNoWs!! LOL
Overused Phraze: lOl
Food: lOBStEr
Candy: LOlLIpOpS
Number: 18!!!
Color: pUrple, BLaCK Y vErDe!!!
Animal: pANdA
Drink: sHirLeY tEmPLe wiTh cHerRIeS
Alcohol Drink: dOnt
Bagel: muFFiN!!! bAnANa NuT!! LoL
Letter: Q
Body Part on Opposite sex: eL pENe
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: eWWw...sPRITe
McDonalds or BurgerKing: sUpER EWwW...tAcO bell
Strawberry or Watermelon: cHERrY Duh !!! loL
Hot tea or Ice tea: nEItHeR!!! iCk!
Chocolate or Vanilla dOn"T LAbEL me..cARAmEl!!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hOt CocO
Kiss or Hug: HUg
Dog or Cat: gIGgAPet
Rap or Punk: pUNk
Summer or Winter: WINTeR
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: fUNNY mOVIEs
Love or Money: bLisS
Bedtime: whEN i PAss OUT
Most Missed Memory: mY hErMAno..R.I.P.
Best phyiscal feature: mIS OJos
First Thought Waking Up: I DOn'T Want to GO!!
Goal for this year: aChIeVEd...aCcEPTed tO stEtSoN, UF, y hOWARd!! yAy!!
Best Friends: mAMa wIDA Y PAPA Chu
Weakness: nuN YA
Fears: sPidERs..EWw!
Heritage: pANaMaNiAN Y jAMAICAn
Longest relationship: 3 yEaRs, NO lOnGEr TOgEtHEr, peRO We STIlL LovE EaCH otRo
Ever Drank: iCK...
Ever Smoked: nO!!! eWww
Pot: tHAt's FoR lOSers!!
Ever been Drunk: NoPe!!
Ever been beaten up: nO
Ever beaten someone up: NO
Ever Shoplifted: no
Ever Skinny Dipped: dUh!! of CoURSe
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: si!!! ;)
Been Dumped Lately: nOpe
Favorite Eye Color: gReEN o gRaY
Favorite Hair Color: bLaCk o brOwn
Short or Long: lONg, i PreFeR LOcKS
Height: 6'0" to 7'0''Mi fAVOriTo eS 6'4"
Style: uRbAn sOpHiSTiCAtE
Looks or Personality: hE WOn'T BE gAUPo fOReVER, y If hE CAn'T mAkE mE laUgH tHEN THeRe'S nO HOPE!!
Hot or Cute iNTrIgUiNg
Drugs and Alcohol: nEITHER!!! EwWw!
Muscular or Really Skinny: tHiCk, I LIKE MY mEN THiCk, nOt skINnY(gRoSS) nOT SUpER BULky, BUt MUsCULAR ANd sOLID!!! loL
Number of Regrets in the Past: YO ReGRET naDa If OnLY To LeArn de MY MIsTaKes
What country(s) do you want to Visit: bErMUda, NiGERiA, y cAPE VeRdE iSLAnds
How do you want to Die: blISsFulLY, In mI SLEEP
Been to the Mall Lately: nOpe
Do you like Thunderstorms: si
Get along with your Parents: mI MOMMY
Health Freak: nOT ReALly
Do you think your Attractive: NiNguIN ReAlmEntE, pEro CuIdaDoS DEL quIen
Believe in Yourself: AS VeCEs
Want to go to College: iN coLLEge
Do you Smoke: ewWw!!! no!!
Do you Drink: no!!
Shower Daily: dUh!! oF COuRSE!!
Been in Love: LAwD Si, lOnG STOrY!!
Do you Sing: bAdLy, PeRo oF COurSE
Want to get Married: sI
Do you want Children: sI 3 o 4
Have your future kids names planned out: sI, bUt tHEy'rE A SeCrEt
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: My mArrIagE NiGHt
Hate anyone: nO.... i doN't CArE THAt MUch


.:.He L♥ves Me.:.


I'd like to meet:



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