Hi im Shezzi,
And it's very likely i will dislike you.
I do not regret those that i have done, for those i did not do.
Aussie hip hop♥.
Right now in life, I am happier than I have ever been.
Im in the best days of my life, And i never want to leave.
In the past i was someone for everybody else.
Now, I know who I am and what I believe in.
Im catholic, with my own modifications.
I pray everyday.
Andrew and I hangout with God in our sparetime.
Life is beautiful, We will never know the true meaning of it,
While on this earth.
But i choose to believe, The meaning of life,
Is good love and good sex.
Im someone who is lucky in life, I have everything I need.
I will tell you exactly what I am thinking,
Instead of something you want to hear.
I won’t change something about me, To suit you.
You have to be yourself, For yourself, Not for anyone else.
Honesty is wonderful, And I respect people who use it.
First impressions matter,
I end up disliking quite a few people because of them.
It seems i learn more and more often,
Who my true friends are, And who i can trust.
And it is making a big positive impact on me.
Whatever happens, Things could always be worse.
Take what your given, Try your best, Do things day by day.
Nothing can ever stop me loving life the way I do.
Bad things happen, Good things happen.
Each and every day I am growing as a person, This is all just the beginning to my happy ending.
Life amazes me every single day.
I keep on continuing to appreciate what I have.
I don’t worry anymore.
I don’t need too.
I have my whole life ahead of me.
What is the point wasting it?
Worrying about my feelings for someone,
Or what someone said about me.
It’s pointless.
I use my time being happy.
Recognizing all the good things that have happened to me.
Everything that God has given me and my family.
I have truly been blessed with a perfect life,
And I am learning more every single day.
While your off crying about someone who called you a whore.
Im in my room meditating to jack Johnson surrounded by candles.
And while you’re worrying about that boy you sucked off who didn’t ever call you back.
Im thanking God for the life he has given me.
And while you are looking at yourself in the mirror,
And thinking about how fat you are,
Im out having fun with my friends and looking how I want to,
Not caring what the public say about it.
Everything will work out to how it is meant too.
Im just using life to how I am meant to,
Reaching for my dreams,
And being happy.
Im lucky.
And you know what,
While you’re off having a cry because of something you won’t even remember in 10 years time.
You’re missing out on the best days of your lives,
The days what will make up your future,
And who you are going to become.
Stop hiding away and missing out on that,
Take advantage of being young while you can.
Because you are probably just as lucky as I am.
I love my life.
I always will.
I don’t ever want that to change.
Truth could never hurt as much as deception.
"From the beginnin to the end, losers lose
When it's win this is real we ain't got to pretend
The cold world that we in, is full of pressure and pain
Enough of me nigga"