Un laboratorio permanente di tecniche di base per la chitarra acustica, che utilizza particolari modalità di lavoro quali, ad esempio, una nuova accordatura standard - CGDAEG - (per quinte come gli strumenti ad arco piuttosto che per quarte come quella tradizionale), e la disposizione in circolo, appunto (o semicerchio ad includere il pubblico), o l’utilizzo delle cosiddette “Circulations†ovvero vere e proprie esecuzioni musicali, improvvisate o meno, ottenute “passandosi†le note l’un l’altro. Queste ed altre tecniche hanno come finalità l’acquisizione ed il mantenimento di uno stato di attenzione e di presenza generale, in termini personali e dell’intero gruppo.
Per informazioni
108 STRINGS cd
Alessandro Bruno
Stefano Simioni
Alessandro Papa
Aldo Garuti
Massimo D'Avanzo
Anna Cefalo
Mattia Clera
Adriano Clera
Roberto Deiana
Filippo Guerini
One of the main aims of this CD is to provide tangibile evidence of the work done by this particular group of people within a project called TUNING THE AIR AT A DISTANCE created and managed by a team in Seattle.
This was a six months project, from May the 27h to December the 2nd 2006, and is was mostly about performance; so we've been experimenting with various aspects of such an event, sometimes going pretty deep into it, considering we're a band of amateurs; always within the framework and the guidance of the team in charge.
Massimo and Anna came to visit us during our weekend meeting in July and performed as a duo (harp/voice and guitar/drum); Mattia joined us with his grand stick for the following meeting and, since then, they've all been involved in the project bringing in their wonderful musicality in the group.
In October we held our meeting at a nuns' convent 100 Km north of Rome; the remarkably supportive environment and R.'s visit gave us an amazing hint, enough to keep us fed until the completion of the project.
We'd like to thank Frank, Curt, Jaxie, R., Hernan, Luciano and the whole of the GC family; Vanna and Rolo Council Andministration; Gianni and Le Madri Foundation (La Farnia); Suor Teresa and the whole Centro di Spiritualità S, Lucia Filippini di Montefiasconte; Mirella and the whole Centrottava crew; Stazione di Topolò-Postaja Topolove; Monks Confraternity of Castelmonte; Mr. G. Luisa, Chiara, Chiara, Paola, Sara, Loredana, Loredana, Marina, Massimo di Giacomo and Federico della Puppa.