I hate winter. I'm pretty bitchy, but I don't like to argue. Mostly because i'm way too lazy. I'm anything but a slut, so don't accuse me of being one. I hate 'internet lingo,' like 'ur' and 'wuz^.' I'll correct your grammar. You probrably think i'm annoying. I'm actually a little bit shy. I have morals. I like, never go to school. I sleep alllll the time. I try not to start drama and I hate when people are mad at me. I'm scared to drive and I don't really want my liscense. Good thing I have like 6 months until that matters. I'm a proud member of the BUG club (beautiful understanding girls, for all you losers who didn't know). I'm competing with Tom for longest running default on myspace.
aim=chrissycanamucio. don't be a creep.